I dont think anyone has the right to tell anyone they are wrong for choosing a life style that they feel good about, as long as it is free of abuses. Evidence presented during the trial showed that PETA employees killed animals they considered "adorable" and "perfect." Likewise, witnesses at the trial testified that PETA told them they "shouldn't have a problem at all finding homes" for dogs left in their care. reliable: [adjective] suitable or fit to be relied on : dependable. I am an LVT with a couple decades of experience in the field. A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. In todays world of virtually unlimited choices, animal exploitation is simply unacceptable. Their big public acts tend to be against large, easily . What Makes Information Reliable? | Student Skills Workshops - austincc.edu Again, I am not a PETA person, have never supported them or really paid that much attention. And half the animals had to be put down because they went stir crazy in a sanctuary not doing their jobs. All it took was a quick Google to get a little more information, you should do more research to be a little more accurate when posting. And PETA helped to start and manage a quasi-medical front group, the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, to attack medical research head-on. Peta say sheep normally live to around 15 years of age - but in the wool trade, they are commonly killed between four and eight years old. Thanks for posting. And its infamous Holocaust on Your Plate campaign crassly compared the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide to farm animals. We ALL originally ate plants, every one of us, and that is how it was supposed to be. What's the deal with people saying PETA kills animals? This video was made in a third world country and the prosecutor found the man in the video who skinned the animal. These people are absolutely crazy. Please find the light in your heart around this. I have never been a fan of PETA, they have always seem a bit to underhanded for my taste and opening up their dishonest practices to the eyes of the world is very honorable and I thank you for doing so. is peta a reliable source is peta a reliable source - Charles-dudley.com She also got messages sent to her, so even if she had not allowed comments, she would have still been attacked. PETA distributed photos of the monkeys being kept in horrific conditions, leading to a police raid and, eventually, the first-ever conviction of a researcher on animal-cruelty charges. They are best known for their frequent inflammatory and downright irresponsible media stunts, such as throwing red paint or fake blood on people . Not even all factory farms are completely nasty, but those that are treat animals as a commodity, and are responding to consumer demand for cheap, cheap, cheap food. Just don't attack people who are trying their best to provide for their families responsibly. Therefore, it is not the animals fault for eating meat, but rather ours. VDACS data on PETA's euthanization rates for 2020 are not out yet. It is simply unjustifiable. We can be a higher creation of God by instead showing compassion and respect and allow for all life to prosper around us. Let it be known: PETA is not a reliable resource when it comes to confirming whether or not a company is truly cruelty-free. My beef and poultry is mostly from my own province and Alberta. People who have worked at PETA has begged for an animals life but NOOOOOOO. Is there anyway I could post your post on my blog?? By far, the two best sources of science news (besides ACSH and RealClearScience, of course!) Internet sources - GREAT - Internet sources nhs/live-well/eat-well/milk The jerks leaving all of those nasty comments on your friends Page nasty work. When you dont consider secondary costs water and air pollution, illness, etc then the obvious choice is to crank that meat product out as cheaply as possible. In this post, I'll share the ugly truth about PETA. Yes they actually do think its better for a loved pet to be dead rather than live life as a slave. A few years ago, our local news stations all carried the story of a Chinese restaurant in nearby North Carolina accused of killing dogs. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - Wikipedia PETA. PETA had killed her with a lethal dose of poison. Here are more detailed explanations for a few specific choices 2: The best of the best. Text UGLY to 73822 to tell UGGs to choose vegan materials and stop supporting the mutilation and violent killing of sheep! It contains 4 FULL-SIZE products including a large 9-pan eyeshadow palette from Estate Cosmetics. which is also nearby.). I know there are many more, and if you are a writer or cook who has been attacked by militant vegans, send me a screen shot and I'll add it to the post. Disclosure statement. PETAKillsAnimals.com reported, after obtaining older data from VDACS by filing public record requests under Virginia's sunshine laws, that of the 49,737 dogs and cats PETA received between 1998 and 2019, 41,539 were killed. The circus filed a lawsuit against PeTA and their fellow members of the animal rights industry under Federal Racketeering laws (RICO) and won a settlement of $15.7 million dollars. We wouldnt want to be eaten and they do not want to be eaten, so why do that if it is not necessary? PETA workers had come along in a white van, picking up dogs on the way to and from North Carolina, and rather than taking the dogs back to their so-called shelter, had killed them, pulled up to the Chinese restaurants dumpster, and tossed them in. By suggesting that the gruesome conditions occurring on this particular farm in British Columbia are the standard, or the norm, for all other egg farms in Canada, is absolutely ludicrous. PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. In my opinion, while PETA's database of cruelty-free brands is filled with good intentions, it's not reliable due to the lack of any investigation. Many reliable sources have proven that violence in the media has a negative influence in children under the age of eighteen. I read many newspaper reports based on the arrest records and evidence obtained and Maya had been wandering loose with no collar, etc. They never sinned. The group euthanized (killed) more than 1,900 animals in 2003 alone that's over 85 percent of the animals it received. I think it began around 1979. is peta a reliable source - Craftbeerproject.com In 2019, of 2,421 dogs and cats received at PETA's Norfolk shelter, 1,578 were euthanized, according to the most recent report from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS). Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or books -written by researchers for students and researchers. (pain meds and anesthesia are used when needed, and euthanasia if necessary) I dont understand the whole part with dogs kidnapping, why would they do such a thing? They dont exist. Plants are alive though peta often forgets this. 4. Want proof? My friend isn't the only one who's been attacked. I do not think highly of hunting for sportOR PETAs actions. The credibility of PETA - Sword & Shield particularly, domestic animals. Hate is rarely a good solution to a problem. 8 Ways to Tell If a Website Is Reliable - ThoughtCo The nasty FB post people dont belong in a post about PETA, or the post should have a different tackits conjecture and should be presented more clearly as such unless you have more proof that these post-ers are PETA acolytes. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record. PETA Finds Itself on Receiving End of Others' Anger Everyone I know who works with research animals is an animal lover and has pets of their own, sometimes multiple species. (I know some pretty cool vegan foodies.) How to Cite Sources | Citation Examples for APA, MLA & Chicago - EasyBib Mold doesn't grow when exposed to sunlight. Back in the early 80s they poisoned and killed my best friend so they could lie to the public about the circus, I caught them in the tent feeding her a few hours later she dropped dead. Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it., The pamphlets that PETA promotes to children are also horrific. Buying goats is a significant investment not just in the animals, but in all the time and equipment needed to care for them. My husband hunts because he enjoys it, and yes, he likes to get the one with the big rack or whatever But we eat everything he kills. 7) PETA frequently looks the other way when its celebrity spokespersons dont practice what it preaches. Everyone even them are part of the food chain. He rarely hunts those. PETA holds absolutely no open-adoption shelter hours at its Norfolk, VA headquarters, choosing instead to spend part of its $32 million annual income on a contract with a crematory service to periodically empty hundreds of animal bodies from its large walk-in freezer. Discuss what you find with your doctor before making any changes to your health care. They worship animals as gods. what about human, ancient and recent food habits. If I saw a dog on a porch, my first reaction would be that the dog belonged with the house, unless proven otherwise. According to Daphna Nachminovitch, PETA's vice president of cruelty investigations, "Our euthanasia program has never been a secret. SciCheck covers science. Have I been wrong all these years? You talk about others being egotistical, yet youve come on this forum and tried to force your view on everyone else. Circus in Federal District Court alleging elephant abuse. If being meat free is the right choice for you, that's fine too. Is Sky News shifting Australian politics to the right? Not yet, but The internet is full of websites that were started five minutes ago. -Facilitated nation-wide tabling events at festivals and concerts using time management and organization skills . What Are Credible Sources & How to Spot Them | Examples - Scribbr is peta a reliable source - Trenzy.ae All About PETA | PETA link http://elcomercio.pe/wuf/noticias/peta-albergues-son-ultimo-recurso-noticia-1913084. HSUS raises millions of dollars from American animal lovers through manipulative advertising. Thank you for your Posts! That is very egotistical in my opinion. This is not standard PETA practice (unlike the issues raised above). "People may throw stones at us, but we are against all needless killing: for hamburgers, fur collars, dissection, sport huntingthe works," the post states while displaying images of severely health compromised pets that had to be euthanized.
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