As long as CGtrader and Marius keep leading the inclusive marketplaces with respect for the Artists and their own branding, we at NoneCG will continue to support CGtrader and Marius indefinitely, no extra shiny coins needed for us. Not artist friendly at all, from uploading to statistics (Model views, downloads, and so on). I am getting more sales on Cgtrader than TS though :P and CGtrader is easier to use. Not that I like it or want to have my objects "borrowed". Fact is, the best is where is can make the most sales. its hard to run such a business so i hope cgtrader will survive in the future. Which is good, since we are the ones who will bring in the profits. Payment Method But there are questions that are not achievable for TS, and they will not go to such steps, and it is this: 1. or do you prefer to do business with companies you trust and feel comfortable working with while knowing you are supporting a #FairBusiness model that in the future will revert in your own direct benefit? @Supercigale, this is worrying to read, i think such things shouldn't happen. Then there is the stupid "reputation" point issue. I'm probably leaving this site for good, but it won't be because of you guys - it's because of the site itself. If that is the case then better not to become exclusive! A customer coming in from outside can view stores, search inside a store or still search the global data base. or I can just sell on cgt and artstationm marketplace? Having too many high poly models in 1 scene can considerably slow down rendering times, work flow and even crash your computer making the entire scene unusable. I'm not sure about your analysis. for someone that is a little more unique. The utopian view here is a successful merge of all related activities (or at least part), connecting as much people as possibly can that are doing something that could potentially involve 3D, and in doing so eventually streamline part of the global 3D marketplace and increase the amount of successful transactions between many possible parties. I think arguments of differences in search are irrelevant when someone is looking for the same model to compare prices between the two biggest players. Most people don't care a bit about all this. Chat with Support 24/7 . During all these years we always felt Turbosquid favored a sort of chaos and unfair competition between sellers because they were profiting a lot from that lack of understanding and cooperation between content creators. Check my store, Very motivating and supportive too.Hope you keep on sharing a greater amount of your ideas. Basically just like Turbosquid has done they have become the one stop shop for everything. In fact, I had taken deliberate steps to ensure that I included no content in my designs that could even be construed as overlap. And if the buyer sees one and the same model on CGT and on TS, then the price will choose on CGTrader People may think that having that option makes it more likely for sellers to see their work by placing their models in the incorrect category but actually that just irritates buyers who may just go elsewhere to buy. A little more than a year passed since our public disagreement with Turbosquid policies and behavior that ended our relationship as content creator and reseller. What, iterateCGI goos down? 2. because CGTrader team quickly investigate and decided to remove the bad Feeback. I'm even considering seriously closing my store here. They're doing competitions, and that attracts artists, at least. Professional Rigged 3D Female Models Toggle Navigation; 3D Models New & Unrated Rigged Price. 3D Modeling Jobs | CGTrader This is a bit OT, but although I obviously ain't a squidguild member, I always try to design objects that are "checkmate" compliant to be sure that my models are OK, and I also beta test the .OBJ version in a lot of other applications that LW to be sure that they upload without hassle) And even if you sell the same models on other side you can advertise them as being the cheapest here. They simply do not get the idea that Turbosquid is just another reseller for the real product developers, and Turbosquid management and "rules" promote exactly that. I ended up terminating my account, seeing as I couldn't operate the store under such conditions - not only did I risk having the work I'd put in uploading items undone at any moment, I also had no idea what pitfalls I had to avoid to not have items taken down. He bought a cheap product (with a fake account) and post a bad rating. Machines have already replaced people making their jobs irrelevant in many fields already more and more customer service jobs have become automated, many store sales positions now are not needed because so much is being done online, the tolls on the highways now only use fast track or you get a letter in the mail telling you to pay it because there is no one in the booth anymore so you can't pay it on the road. I started uploading some of my items to cg trader to see if it generated any income but as I have 70+ items and 0 sales I have decided to stop. It is always very reassuring to know that our opinions are taken into account. @tomislavveg, that is very true, but as marvimation already mentioned, CGT first have to draw those buyers to its web, otherwise there's not much use from all those benefits if there's no buyers who could reap them :]. If you have any questions about these items before you purchase, please contact us at CGTrader is bather as a platform and like I wrote above if we help in couple of months will overcome TS on search engines, which will also increase our sales. So true! They say you can price things anyway you want but then they take down your models if they do not agree with how you price them. (I forgot to put TS up). Recently I've been trying to contact my old clients and buyers and although they still have an interest in my models they don't quite trust CGT with their money. Everything is more and more coming down to individual levels of very friendly and much more human communication. But I think that CheckMate was especially created to bring artists to exclusivity, rather than promote quality. Advertising? - CGTrader pays a LOT more than TS; TS *keeps* 60% unless you sell exclusively on their site and join their "Squid Guild". I hope I'll have better selling results there. If anyone has been to New York they will have noticed that Fao Swartz a toy store in the center of Manhattan is creating 3D printable action figures. Turbosquid is butt ugly and greedy, I hope when CG gets bigger than TS, they don't end up the same way. Free 3D Models Download: The Best Sites for 2023 | All3DP TS has terrible support, i had stupid responses from them during my interaction with them. I would expect those kinds of charges from a real art gallery with real world space that could sell my work for 10,000 a pop, not some virtual space that sells my work for 50 bucks. I think that the ones that do come here to buy CG models might not return if they get fed up while searching for the right one. Agree with every word. Check out our picks of the best sites to download free 3D models for 3D printing, games & animation, graphic design, architecture, and more. I'm done with them. You are clearly one of the professional buyers who doesn't take advantage of the system but there are so many out there who do that and 3D sites are beginning to try to safe guard their artist's work by not making it so easy to just get everything you want for free. If you have any questions about these. - CGTrader pays immediately; TS waits until the end of the month. I read here on the forum can't remember if it was Iterate CGI or someone else said that CGTrader will soon sell on Amazon and I can't wait for it to happen!! They can present the model screenshots straight from their helpdesk and ensure the client is not being screwed? In fact, 61% comes out against 40%, since the paypal commission on cgtrader is borne by the seller, the site pays commission on turbosquid. Most of the Ts artists also moved their work over here and almost everyone knows that, just not the ones hoe are exclusive, it's not going to take too long now before they systematically start breaking the exclusive contract when they see sales going down every month and things going up over here. Ah crap, not sure how that referal spam sneaked into turbosquid link, here is the clean one:, I think that subsequently only large studios and squidguild members will remain there. The sellers for which, CGtrader liked can help for this resource. I hope to find same courage someday ;-) A serious problem indeed about Turbosquid is its policy of setting up barriers to avoid having a direct link to customers (this includes banning of al communication technologies). Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. Change Method. There are currently no models in your cart. At some point in the past both Turbosquid and The3DStudio had to get through a huge cleansing of their site and removed thousands of objects that were hampering their credibility. I think that they keep the 3D models as a curtsey only or to serve as samples that could at a later date be turned into prints. The people at the top of the pyramid scheme bully all the new modelers who show any sales success because they barely scrape by as it is so it is really bad work environment to work for Turbosquid is not worth your time. ! If there is a problem they will fix it for you. But based on the results, we see that it makes sense to show off the CG part on the homepage as well. This market is changing rapidly and Ts is not adapting to the evolution of connectedness within the global CG community. Right now, low quality models flooding this site are attracting the low budget people - that's certainly why high quality objects with pricings in accordance don't sell that much. But this is perhaps the only plus turbosquid. (just playing with ideas here) I know I personally would be Heh.. that's another topic but my top selling model is nude. So, CGT is the best guys ! That's what I'm saying all the time and what I didn't like because I was not selling models for 3d printing and reason why I left. This is due to discrimination in the pricing policy of the "TS" site. in the name of freedom expression of the buyer (???). [google][|google4 ] Let me explain - I like the look of the models here, but the site is even designed so end users, like me, can't even download more that 10 "free" items unless they've uploaded models of their own, written tutorials, posted topics to the forum (which is difficult if you're not an actual modeler) and/or jumped through about 1,500 other ridiculous hoops to get enough "reputation" points. CGTrader has the better platform from my point of view, better rates if i remember correct. Here it is quite seamless and elegant. personally CGTrader is the second site where I realize more sales, I think we should avoid generalizing his own experience. This is hight quality female model with animation friendly topology. I think I like the another item the modeler has created (Modern Villa), but that item is $40. Regarding the support case, perhaps you could share the exact details on the case by a message or email to me ( - we would like to look more into it and ensure that no cases like that are unsolved. That is very strong argument in favor of CGT, but then again, don't you think that corporate client would rather choose to get support from team of profesionals that are available 24/7, than from unknown person, who might respond with big delay or not respon at all? However, fear of losing sales kept me both on Ts and CGt for long time (not liked it). Answer: IN my opinion Turbosquid is a great site for selling models. Dear adentonclark, Another thing that makes CGT better than TS is the friendships that one is able to make within the artist community. Searching for specific terms applying to a specific model, the results on Google are nearly on first page. [ google5 ] And if the buyer sees one and the same model on CGT and on TS, then the price will choose on CGTrader [/quote] Because of its design and trade/royalty system, CGTrader seems better and more advantageous, but at the end of the day, I get much more income from Turbosquid and The3Dstudio. NoneCG will be up for it. The clients like to waste money for a more expensive model at TSquid, perhaps knowing that the artist will get shafted with a measly 40% return, and that's that. 60% cut could be ok if that cost could be added to the product but price guarantee makes that impossible. Prices are only guaranteed at the time of the creation of this document. Turbosquid has a bot spying cgtrader prices. Ebay and Amazon would be great for the cartoony non realistic stuff as well as 3D prints so long as people make sure to document the files appropriately and let people know it is 3D and not real. CGTrader. I hope ideas of exclusivity get replaced by inclusive ones all over the globe. The response back was, if they are not adjusted end of the week then we will adjust them. Blendswap.com5. Looks to me like they are providing a very content creator friendly environment. I have been very active on a forum of a different 3D model store, but the guys running it seemed to be ignorant about the issue. Those are very interesting ideas to develop for the future. How about Negotiated price? How Can we get 94% of Royalty?? Thingiverse has allowed licenses to be transferred into another users name, which is very important option if you want to invent something and sell the ownership, else your stuck with it forever. According to TS "Marmoset Toolbag's watermark" is an overlay and a no no. Renderer: Cyclse. What? Yes. Renderosity. I don't get paid until the 3rd, but I thought I'd download some things, look at their quality, fill up a cart and get prepared to purchase when the money comes around. Bangalore Escort While sellers will be disadvantaged in many interests. There are very few modelers out there who can actually support themselves financially doing this and whenever one of us sells anything it is a little like winning the lottery. One of the biggest problems in this country is that the games and film studios are becoming a bit of a joke and not getting the funding they used to have. Doing the same at Turbosquid feels as dreadful as applying for a driver's license. More specifically, the 3D Model may not be exported or sold. But i think CGT nows that pretty well, that's why they decided to bring changes in royalty policy and hopefully they will steer additional cash flow towards making this stock market more attractive to the buyers. - Once in a while, alert all designers that a cleaning operation will be made, and wipe out objects that are of a too bad quality or copyright infringements. Site issues? I was thinking of ok if the ts is shit why not using other marketplace with the cgt specially if both accept selling in other marketplace, You have zero 3D models uploaded here. 3D 3D Photorealistic Female Rigged - TurboSquid 1789052 Putting 3D printing as the main product range on first page doesn't help, as has been noted. You can just buy and return it if it is not to your satisfaction. the only advantages in cgtrader are the big rates for clients. I don't know if Turbo Squid allows licence ownership to be transferred as i never got that far with them. I would even make the prediction that most of what will be left of Ts (following months) are the exclusive sellers, they will probably get very frustrated and come over here no matter what deals they made with Ts. I experienced this on other topics like the challenges, where CGT team took some ideas into consideration and applied some of them. cgtrader is far better than turbosquid in my opinion coz cgtrader offer 80% royalti payment and turbo only give you 40% royalti payment which is sad. CGT is the only website that really understand both the artists and customer needs! I think the TS percentage is pretty much an outrage considering the low price of the products being sold. CG Trader is easier to navigate, more stimulating perhaps than turbo squid. And CG Trader offers up to 94% royalty rate, where as Turbo Squid gives I believe 60% royalty rate CG Trader more open than Turbo Squid, and when registering, requires less personal information. As every site takes a small cut from the sales of a model. What this shows is their weakness. Gritsuk : Hello Friends, glad to present you my model Female Hand Realistic. and we lived the evolution of Turbosquid from being a pioneer of the 3D assets market working alongside the real content developers to become a typical corporation with financial backing from angel investors that only cares about financial results and is trying to strive the 3D market towards a monopoly where they can control both the producers and the customers, where acting as just a middleman gets Turbosquid the most profit from both. [|google11] B: CGTrader needs to do SOMETHING about all the damn undercutters. Thanks for your feedback, it really makes sense. The rumour that they can "borrow" models for check-out before buy to particularly trustworthy clients could also be true. Its great way to compete and fair . A battle is going on right now, and some top sellers are going full #SquidClan with a custom deal from the Wisdoms: a 5-6 digit $ amount in instant cash now as an advance of a 2 year exclusivity deal, plus a boost of their royalties at the expense of all the other "non-top" sellers at Turbosquid that won't be getting any offer from Matt Wisdom. This is not a "fight" between NoneCG and Turbosquid, but a struggle between different ways of doing business: the classic closed market or a more open one based on a Fair Business model and full comunication between the producer, the marketer and the customer. The more people ho place your item in their stores the higher your ranking for that product gets "in the pool that is". TurboSquid is garbage. Turbosquid has too many models Some may look great for close ups but in a large environment scene or house setting when you have a lot of models to let's say show off the interior design of a model home you need to be very careful on poly count. It takes way too long to put up any files., All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Here is a quick test that can help understand why there aren't so many buyers. CGTrader is extremely accessible, perhaps too much so for its own good in some lights. We at NoneCg think that both CGtrader and Sellers will benefit from the exact opposite policy. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. CG trader is the first helpfull professional website I've seen in 20 years. Others download beautiful jpeg or tiff files to set as their desktop wallpapers at the office. Turbosquid is the exact opposite. On the other side, CGtrader empowers the real content creators, giving them all kind of freedom regarding their products and image, and encouraging communication between customers and content creators. Sales site defending exclusivity trying to find ways to seduce (like the famous CheckMate) but this has no return. I started uploading on a few sites and TS was one of them and I can tell you now that that place is a mess. my main income its still TS. TurboSquid. Beautifully put IterateCGI, let's hope it is signal for more than just Tubro's downfall, but hopefully the downfall of treating 3D creators like shit. If it is true that other sites are taking a higher margin and a larger slice of profit share, they have some kind of capital to work magic with, both with artists who are accepting less and buyers who are paying more. In my experience often times a client will ask for certain models but then one must take into consideration what computer specs they have because you don't want your client to get frustrated with the models you buy. So in this case you could say we are the asses and there's lots of us so we form a huge ass and CGt can place many chairs for us to sit on ;-) The very best thing I find on CGT is the disponibility of the team. when the same type of issue occurs on CGTrader, the Staff policy is to do nothing. You are just providing a platform." Hi there, just want to ask about the artstation store, do they have a condition of not selling on other store? By registering you confirm that you have read and accept ourTerms of Use, Rigged 3D models are your best choice when you need a character or object to perform unique movements. They do not deserve that I fed them 60% I have to agree. Thor (Rig) for Maya 15. It is a wonder how people still haven't fixed bugs like that after so many years and it made the whole uploading process a total hassle. Both are still growing, but it seems CGtrader is growing much more. I'm really happy to see CGTrader growing. Turbosquid has terrible royalty rates But i think its not only the responsability of cgtrader to turn this around. Spider-Man (Rig) for Maya Shaders is a new section that we recently added. Comment goo's like this, quote "Awesome model, converted this guy over into maya and he looks great" end quote. I make very nice sale here, and several each month, not as much as TurboSquid, but with 85% royalties I'm not complaining. Search Filter Free products only Discount Formats Free products only Reset filters Free Gumroad is an awesome virtual marketplace where artists can create their own store and sell any type of digital asset, from textures to tutorial series. Here only I have doubts it would be fair to do do is a difference of 20..25% in the price of its models, which are intended for sale in the CGT and TS? Search is arguably most important feature of stocks and search in TS is head and shoulders (and then some more) above search in CGT. Say you happen to be a great render and lighting specialist but not so well a modeler, you see this nice models that have potential but the presentation is very bad (from good modeler with no render skills). I'm also active for some time on other marketplaces as well (e.g. It needs to be obvious where to go if you want one or the other.
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