The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. Applications for Development Consent Orders (DCOs) for NSIPs are made to the Planning Inspectorate (PINs), who examine and test the proposals against criteria on national need, benefits and impacts as set out in relevant policy. Other policies which may also be relevant, including proposed policies on radioactive waste, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and associated or related development and proposed policy on Oldbury Nuclear New Build. Through our active role in the West of England Combined Authority and the Western Gateway powerhouse, we have demonstrated how we can work effectively with neighbouring authorities and others to deliver improved outcomes for the wider region. Introduction: A great place to live, work and visit, How we will work: People, Place, Partnership, How we will measure performance: What it will look like, improving our resilience to climate change, enabling development of renewable and low carbon energy supplies, protecting and restoring our natural environment and encouraging greater bio-diversity. Is the current approach still the right approach? This could include the provision of new facilities or the upgrading of existing. In the last two years, we have seen a 5% increase in assessments for adult social care. But above all, it is local. It also identifies land and allocates sites for. Electric Vehicle charging in local plan policy. Renewable energy currently generated in South Gloucestershire delivers only 4.8% of the projected 2020 demand. There is also an updated online map which displays sites submitted during . We want to ensure that all South Gloucestershire residents lead safe and healthy lives and that they enjoy good quality health and social care which focuses on their individual needs and enables them to retain their independence. The policies within the Core Strategy were prepared to support the growth strategy at that time, with updates and more detailed policies set out in the PSP Plan (adopted in 2017). These targets are necessary to help slow down the warming of the Earth and reduce the severity of the impacts of climate change. A planning designation of Parking zones, for certain urban parts of the authority, to indicate where reduced parking provision may be appropriate, would be progressed as part of this approach. Please note: at this stage, the existing policies set out in the Core Strategy, Policies Sites and Places Plan and Joint Waste Core Strategy will remain in place, and will be used to determine planning applications. We need to make sure that any current private and on-street parking provision is designed so that it can relatively easily be repurposed if the need for it diminishes. South Gloucestershire is a safe, healthy and affluent district with high levels of employment. Topic-based policies might also cover detailed issues, like transport management, or how standards in relation to carbon reduction in new developments are required, or specific design principles in relation to extensions. Further updates and evidence will be added to this page to support production of the new Local Plan. We will recruit and retain people with the right skills and provide the right culture, leadership, and environment for our staff to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Whilst we are exploring innovative digital methods by which to present our services and engage local people, we recognise the value of continued face-to-face conversations and maximising the involvement of community-based groups. They should make sufficient provision for: They also provide a clear starting point for more detailed non-strategic policies that are needed to address a wide range of issues. Temporary buildings, structures and other infrastructure are removed, and/orii. Creating well-designed places requires an understanding of a wide range of principles, across numerous disciplines. Suitable disposal options will also need to be appropriately regulated and controlled and comply with other relevant plans, such as the West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy. It is proposed that the policy looks at a zoning approach to allow for reduced car parking provision in areas which are demonstrably well connected with ample opportunities for walking and cycling access to key services and facilities as well as good public transport provision. * In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. This may also be relevant to informing the Councils planning response to any consultations on consents, licenses or permits from other organisations, as well as in determining planning applications to South Gloucestershire Council. The tables separates policies into strategic policies and non-strategic policies. For residential development with communal off street parking provision, at least 20 per cent of spaces are required to have active charging facilities, and passive provision is required for all remaining spaces; High density and/or large scale residential / mixed use developments are additionally required to facilitate the provision of an electric or ultra-low emission car club, and provide dedicated space for the club with active charging facilities; All non-residential developments (e.g. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? We have to accept however that we are likely to be in a period of transition which might well extend beyond the timeframe of the Local Plan. Professor Jim Longhurst, Assistant Vice-Chancellor: Environment Sustainability, University of West of England and Chair of the South Gloucestershire Climate Emergency University Advisory Group. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The siting, form, scale, height, massing, detailing, colour and materials of the development respect, and are informed by, the positive locally-distinctive qualities of both the site and its surrounding context; and. An increasing proportion of the councils funding comes from what we receive from council tax and business rates and so it is natural that our key priorities and commitments are based on what you, our residents and local businesses, have told us is important to you. The pace and scale of growth in recent years has presented new opportunities for our area, but also challenges. It is apparent from experience on other sites across the country that an Oldbury NNB project could be the largest and most complex development faced by local communities and the Council in generations. The North Fringe spans from Cribbs Causeway to the east, to Junction 16 of the M5 to the north, all the way to Junction 19 of the M4 for the M32. gas boilers). The contribution to the carbon offsetting fund set out under the fifth part of the sequence in Clause 1e should be used as a last resort where it is not possible to achieve sufficient on-site measures to reduce the carbon emissions by 100%. You can get information on their website. Emerging priority: Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment &Development that promotes health andwellbeing, Existing adopted policies: CS2Green infrastructure, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment & Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: CS9Managing the environment and heritage, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: CS1High quality design, PSP1Local Distinctiveness, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas, Existing adopted policies: CS5Location of development (inc.GreenBelt), Emerging priority: Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: CS15Distribution of housing, Existing adopted policies: CS21Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, CS22Travellingshowpeople, Emerging priority: Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: CS11Distribution of economic development land, Existing adopted policies: CS14Town centres and retail, PSP31Town Centre Uses, Existing adopted policies: CS10Minerals, PSP23Mineral Working and Restoration,PSP24Mineral Safeguarding Areas, Existing adopted policies: CS36Proposals for major infrastructure projects, Emerging priority: Achieving sustainable travel and transport, Existing adopted policies: CS7Strategic transport infrastructure, PSP13Safeguarding Strategic Transport Schemes and Infrastructure, PSP14Safeguarding Rail Schemes and Infrastructure, PSP15Park and Ride/Share, Emerging priority: Providing the right supporting infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: CS6Infrastructure and developer contributions, Emerging priority: Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Existing adopted policies: CS3 Renewable and low carbon energy generation CS4 Renewable or low carbon district heat networks, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP2 Landscape, Existing adopted policies: PSP3 Trees and Woodland, Existing adopted policies: PSP18 Statutory Wildlife Sites: European Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) PSP19 Wider Biodiversity, Existing adopted policies: PSP20 Flood Risk, Surface Water and Watercourse Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP21 Environmental Pollution and Impacts, Existing adopted policies: PSP22 Unstable Land, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment & Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: CS24 Green Infrastructure, sport and recreation standards, PSP44 Open Space, Sport and Recreation, Existing adopted policies: PSP4 Designated Local Green Spaces, Existing adopted policies: PSP5 Undesignated Open Spaces within Urban Areas and Settlements, Emerging priority: Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: PSP9 Health Impact Assessments, Emerging priority: Development that promotes health and well-being & Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP35 Food and Drink Uses (including drive through takeaway facilities), Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces & Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP17 Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces & Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: PSP37 Internal Space and Accessibility Standards for Affordable Dwellings, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: PSP8 Residential Amenity, Existing adopted policies: PSP38 Development within Existing Residential Curtilages, including Extensions and New Dwellings, Existing adopted policies: PSP43 Private Amenity Space Standards, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP7 Development in the Green Belt, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas, Existing adopted policies: CS16 Housing density, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Creating exceptional places and spaces, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: PSP40 Residential Development in the Countryside, Existing adopted policies: CS19 Rural housing exception sites, Existing adopted policies: PSP41 Rural Workers Dwellings, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP28 Rural Economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP29 Agricultural Development, Existing adopted policies: PSP30 Horse Related Development, Emerging priority: Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: CS17 Housing diversity, Existing adopted policies: CS18 Affordable housing, Existing adopted policies: CS20 Extra care housing, Existing adopted policies: PSP42 Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding, Existing adopted policies: PSP39 Residential Conversions, Sub Divisions and Houses in Multiple Occupation, Emerging priority: Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: CS12 Safeguarded areas for economic development CS13 Non-safeguarded economic development sites PSP26 Enterprise Areas, Existing adopted policies: PSP27 B8 Storage and Distribution Uses, Existing adopted policies: PSP32 Local Centres, Parades and Facilities PSP33 Shopping Frontages, Existing adopted policies: PSP34 Public Houses, Existing adopted policies: CS37 Nuclear related development PSP46 Oldbury New Nuclear Build (NNB), Existing adopted policies: PSP25 Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), Emerging priority: Achieving sustainable travel and transport & Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Existing adopted policies: CS8 Improving accessibility PSP11 Transport Impact Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP10 Active Travel Routes, Existing adopted policies: PSP11 Transport Impact Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP16 Parking Standards, Existing adopted policies: PSP12 Motorway Service Areas and Roadside Facilities, Emerging priority: Providing the right supporting infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: CS23 Community infrastructure and cultural activity, Existing adopted policies: PSP36 Telecommunications Infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: PSP45 Crematoria, CS25 Communities of the North Fringe of Bristol Urban Area CS26 Cribbs / Patchway new neighbourhood CS27 East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood, Draft policy not yet available. We want to deal positively with future expansion, by planning in a sustainable and integrated way to deliver high quality life-time and affordable homes, a dynamic local economy which supports forward-looking employment opportunities, key local community facilities and a convenient and safe transport network, which meets the needs and aspirations of both existing and new communities. You can also register for updates by We have started exploring how we might approach new strategies and policies for growth (set out in section 5: Building a Strategy) but we are very much at the beginning of this process. However, if very detailed approaches are required, or different approaches are required above and beyond what we have provided, we may need to progress some policies with additional supporting documents. Policy Option 1: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated energy use;or Policy Option 2: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated and unregulated energy use. Stroud tenant voice picked for national role - February 28, 2023 My house Enter your postcode for information on recycling, waste collections and council tax. a) minimise end user energy requirements over and above those required by Building Regulations (at the time of full planning or reserved matters approval) through energy efficiency measures by at least 10%, or, achieve any higher standard that is required under national planning policy; and thenb) reduce carbon dioxide emissions by maximising the use of renewable energy generation sources on site and achieve an overall on-site reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from regulated energy use of at least 50%, unless the development includes flats where a 35% reduction is acceptable (for that part of the site only). The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. If a future or legacy use for any temporary development or construction area is not feasible or appropriate, the Council shall require a scheme of works to be agreed whereby: i. For both residential and non-residential development, a sequential approach is set out in Clause 1 of the policy to guide the steps needed to achieve the 100% carbon emissions reduction requirement. The principles of radioactive waste management should also form an integral part of NNB DCO proposals. We have a strong track record of managing our finances and achieving savings, whilst continuing to deliver high quality, value for money services. Area Specific: Planning for the North Fringe of the Bristol Urban Area. It is fundamental that we all share in the benefits South Gloucestershire has to offer, which is why evidence of a growing inequality gap* is such a concern and why giving people the means to turn this around is central to our priorities. Priority 3 Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure and growth. Pro-actively address issues of public concern both actual and perceived. Ensure dovetailing of arrangements between the Magnox and NNB sites. Consider NNB Emergency Planning in the context of development proposals for the surrounding area. The following tables provide the range of policies which we intend to include in our Local Plan 2020. This policy addresses the emissions from the operational phase of a building/development, in terms of heat and power. Steps should be taken to mitigate the visual impact of any such installations. Earlier PSP plan documents and representations can be downloaded from our website. Should pre-application advice be required in advance of a PPA, the Councils approved pre-application charges for NSIPs as set out in the Councils Charging Schedule will apply. When applied this will indicate whether a reduction in car parking provision is appropriate. In order to address this, South Gloucestershire Council will encourage developers to enter into Planning Performance Agreements (PPA) and/or Service Level Agreements (SLA), appropriate to each project. By 2019 this had risen to 46. Our aim is to promote vibrant, mixed-use town centres with active public spaces, commercial, education, leisure, and cultural facilities. 5. In terms of mitigating or limiting the impacts from solar gain in developments, relatively straightforward design solutions exist, such as incorporating bris soleil, projecting canopies or the planting of deciduous trees. The masterplan will provide a clear and consistent framework, to ensure that each application can be considered in the context of delivering on the overarching proposals for the Oldbury site. A classified heat network is a heat network with a definite plan to become 100% renewable within a reasonable time scale, is constructed to a high quality (in accordance with appropriate technical standards, currently CIBSE code of practice), offers a fair and affordable price to consumers, and provides annual reporting on their performance and carbon content. To set out SGC approach to discharging its: Largely discretionary role as pre-consent consultee on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), and Role as determining authority role for development related to NSIPs; and Post consent role in determining applications to discharge requirements / conditions and as enforcement authority.Policy to: cover all stages of scheme development from early pre-application engagement through to post consent implementation and Discharge of Requirements; and recognise the need for engagement to be proportionate to the potential scale and extent of impacts on South Gloucestershire and its communities. The use of larger windows for habitable rooms will be supported; d) The orientation and siting of buildings contribute to the definition of the public realm and the visual quality of the street scene, where building facades and front doors face the street, to promote overlooking and activity within the public realm. We have provided examples of how we will put the priorities and commitments into action and we are backing each commitment with a bespoke action plan, setting out what we will do and how you will know we are delivering value for money services, which are making a difference for your community. Although the principles of decommissioning will be agreed at the project planning stages, due to the long timescales involved, flexibility will be required in how these are met. These documents contain a. Similarly for biodiversity, where alternative habitats may be required to accomodate displaced species, and for archaeology where advance agreement and implementation of Written Schemes of Investigation, early agreement and implementation of strategies may be required. This policy will be applied in consideration of both on and off-site issues, including impacts arising as a result of the transport of radioactive waste off site. This is necessary to ensure that heating systems are decarbonised and move away from fossil fuel systems (i.e. In line with the emerging Local Plan 2020 policy on NSIPs Council engagement in the preparation of a strategic masterplan on decommissioning should be appropriately resourced via a Planning Performance Agreement or other suitable mechanism. We have an ageing population but recognise that most people as they get older want to remain independent for as long as possible. The NDA expectation is that land will be remediated and de-designated by 2103. 21. Managing the Environment and Heritage 6 Managing the Environment and Heritage 6.1 This. These discussions will contribute to the Councils preparation of a pre-engagement position statement or SPD for NNB, as set out above. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Support decommissioning of the existing station, and appropriate beneficial interim/end state uses Take into account the intergenerational nature of the project, and experience to date that changes in approach to decommissioning may evolve over time Seek to ensure that an integrated approach is taken both to the overall land use planning of the site and individual project proposals within that overall framework, as well as, where possible in respect of nuclear new build Seek to secure a beneficial balance of socio economic and environmental outcomes from all proposals including any proposal to dispose of low level or very low level waste on site. Supporting the aspirations of our diverse communities is at the heart of our plans and we will engage with you and your community to identify and help meet your current and future needs, so that everyone can have their voices heard. Every day our staff and councillors speak with residents, businesses and other partners and these conversations helped shape our initial thinking and priorities. We want to enhance private sector investment in our communities and amplify our voice to ensure we get recognition, and funding, from the Government which better reflects our contribution.