There is something about the presence of God, about the sweet fellowship of the Holy spirit. We are one of many autonomous congregations of the Lords church who believe it is possible to have first century New Testament Christianity today. For three months the Ark of the Covenant, the most sacred piece of furniture on earth was in the House of Obed-Edom. This is where the oxen stumbled and Uzzah made hisfatal mistake, reaching out his hand to steady the Ark. Secondly, due to his lineage, he was probably appointed more because it was his duty to do so. 6:12 says "so David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom into the city of David with gladness". It is about relationship with a Person: Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, His glory, His beauty and His FINISHED WORKMUST BECENTRAL. In my past two posts, I have demonstrated how we can do word studies in the New Testament. 2:30 Therefore the Lord God of Israel says: I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever. But now the Lord says: Far be it from Me; for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed. It got so bad that the people began to despise the Lords offerings. Ark of covenant can be understood as the place where God's presence dwells, from where God speaks to HIS people. . He (David) prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it. Hear me now: There are NO ERRORS in the Bible. Experts estimate that the total weight of the Ark was about 565 lbs! When YOU WORK, He rests; when you rest, HE WORKS. %PDF-1.5 He accomplished this all in one day during the aforementioned battle with the Philistines. But we do know that God obviously blessed him. Peter, whom God had used to preach to the Gentiles, stood up and said: Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? Acts 15:10 NKJV. We are justified and sanctified by His blood alone (Rom. Obed-Edom by his faith, attitude, and actions created a legacy of faith, and relationship with the Lord. However, it can also be taken to mean an inhabitant of Gath-rimmon, one of the four Levitical cities for the Kohathites in Dan (Joshua 21:24). 4. Obed-Edom chose to become a gatekeeper in the house of the Lord. Because of the blood on the mercy seat, all of Israel could expect blessings on their households and victory over their enemies to go on for another year. An example of how we trust in our own strength is by trying to keep the law to earn Gods blessings, to achieve our breakthroughs, or to overcome sinful habits. AND THE LORD BLESSED OBED EDOM AND ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD., Obed Edom was a Gittite. And what did Obed Edom do? You're already in our mailing list. Experience they say is the best teacher, it is only a fool that keep failing on the same spot. Well, God broke out against them. Where did he get the idea to put it on an ox cart in the first place? Hmmm..what gives? Whatever you say amen to will happen because you are proclaiming, so shall it be in your life. OBED-EDOM (Heb. 16:4-6, 37-38). <>>> Heres the problem with hat statement: Beth Shemesh was a very small town. And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power (koach) to get wealth (chayil). Deuteronomy 8:18 NKJV. When David learns that Obed-Edom is being blessed with the "dangerous" ark at his house, David realizes that the ark itself is not the problem. From this, I made several observations. I couldnt stop if I wanted to. They also sounded the Shofar every step along the way. As he was unable to successfully do so, he had to place the ark in Obed Edoms house. (1) The Gittite to whose house the *Ark of the Lord was transferred after the death of Uzzah ( II Sam. Obed-Edom was a man lifted by affliction. Obed's mother, Ruth, was a Moabitess who immigrated to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. I Chronicles 15:2626 And so it was, whenGOD HELPED THE LEVITESwho bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord , that they offered seven bulls and seven rams.. (See Rev. That is why God ordained for the law to be put under the mercy seat inside the ark and for the blood of the animal sacrifice to be applied on the mercy seat, covering the symbols of mans sin underneath it. , Thanks for throwing light on the account of Obed Edom. They are, so to speak, lost in the woods of their own doctrines. God's reward flowed onto his family and allowed him access to generational blessings. Because its really, really, REALLY HEAVY, thats why! Obed-Edom son of Jeduthun, and also Hosah, were gatekeepers. Are you a family man? This story demonstrates how much He hates self righteousness. This is so good. And the desire to change for years will suddenly become so easy through His grace. As I also said, all names in the Bible have a meaning. (6 votes) Very easy. Jesus gets ALL the glory! . However, the men of Beth Shemesh also did not follow the ordinances surrounding the ark, and they opened the ark and looked in at the law and the other symbols of mans rebellion. Every pen stroke! . You saw how they fell before Him when He said, I Am He. Well, notice the word,He,is initalicsbecause it isnt in the original text but was added by translators to make the text flow better. 1:20)! Same thing, so they set him back up again. Perez Uzza (breach of mans strength) Perez Uzza refers to the point where something was broken because something destructive (mans strength) came in and brought death. Required fields are marked *. Obed-Edom had to pack up and physically move to stay in the presence of God. What Jesus simply said was His Name: I AM, literally, YHVH () and they all fell to the ground before the Holy One of God. The Shofar is the horn made from a male sheep. We can see this in the life of Abraham: And he believed (aman) in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Genesis 15:6 KJV. The last time this name appears is in 2 Chronicles 25:24 but by then, this was several generations after him. Obededom (servant of Edom).A Levite, described as a Gittite, (2 Samuel 6:10,11) that is, probably, a native of the Levitical city of Gath-rimmon in Manasseh, which was assigned to the Kohathites. Is He the center of attraction in your home, school, business, career? Join Daniel King to learn how the remarkable story of a little-known Bible hero contains the key to releasing God's favor on you and your family. Oh dear! No man can look at the law and remain alive. 1 Sam. Dramatic tragedy takes place as the procession moves toward Jerusalem. They talk about laws, rules and regulations, how to be holy, Church growth and evangelism, blah blah blah. When you keep being conscious that by Gods unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor, Jesus Christ took your place and died for your sins on the cross, and you have taken His place as the righteousness of God in Christ, you will start to see bad habits drop off. ; I Chron. 1. A burnt offering EVERY SIX PACES! He wants that blessing in the City of David! Amen The word Amen in this verse is referring to the person of Jesus Himself. This is the missing piece in the Church today. Have a blessed day! may God continue to enrich you in Him. I have written many posts on Mark 5:25-34 . Even those who look like they are keeping the law definitely have private struggles in their lives. The theme of the year video is played on screen. They were sadly mistaken. The difference between life and death, the difference between blessings and curses, is the blood shed to cover sins. Jesus needs to be broughtBACK TO THE CENTER. "red")= "one who causes to blush." He made David blush for shame because the latter was at first afraid to receive the Ark, whereas Obededom took it into his house without hesitation (Num. They also played with lots of excitement and energy, but the Holy Spirit has specifically mentioned that they played with All their might. VERY significant. Originally, I took in what the preacher said. From the Philistines, of course! He worshipped God. Your email address will not be published. Reports, News & The Bible tells us that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the law but under grace (Rom. Reblogged this on emmausroadministries and commented: Why did God bless this Gentile man who had the Ark of the Covenant in his house for the space of only 3 months? A bullock offering, as you might have guessed, has the greatest quantity of blood of any of the five offerings in the book of Leviticus. He also prepared a place for the Ark. What was that all about? He, too, got a clear revelation of the blood of Jesus. That may have bee a typo. BRING THE ARK BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! Here, Obed Edoms name appeared 7 times. Are you a problem solver or youd rather chicken out like David? "De modo que David no quiso traer para s el arca de Jehov a la ciudad de David; y la hizo llevar David a casa de Obed-edom geteo. Thisyoung manfrom the tribe ofBenjaminis a depiction of the last, and therefore youngest, generation. Choices When I speak The Holy Spirit, in telling us this story, is illustrating the verse that says,The letter KILLSbut the spirit gives life.Oh, it kills alright:QUITELITERALLY. David was clothed with a robe offine linen, as were all the Levites who bore the ark, the singers, and Chenaniah the music master with the singers. WHY IS THE PURITY OF THE CHURCH NECESSARY FOR SALVATION? Wow! Accompanied by all Israel, with much pomp and circumstance, David arrived at the house of Abinadab to collect the Ark. They figured that if these new mothers did not turn around and run back to nurse their young, which would have been instinctive, then all of their troubles must indeed have been caused by the God of Israel. Before God gave Israel the Ten Commandments, the Israelites confidently said they would fulfill all the commandments the Lord would give them (Exod. David had just become king of the United Tribes of Israel.For just over three years he had been king of Judah only, but now the rest of the nation had come to recognize the plan of God and had submitted to the Lord - and to David.The new king had taken steps to create a national capital in the former city of the Jebusites. The lower part was made of incorruptible Shittim wood, overlaid inside and out with the purest gold. It had been inAbinadabs house for some20 years,and before that, it had been in the hands of their enemies, the Philistines. There was praise, worship, and music played skillfully on many instruments along with him. You see, in the early Church, they broke bread from house to house. However, over the years, I began to study the name more closely. But it was not by thier might; it was in response to a revelation of Jesus! Sadly, they were struck down for their mistake. So, we need to find out why God left them. Events, About At the very least, this shows that we need to be careful with OT names. We should learn to be accountable for whatever assignment God gives us. In all the places you can, The more we try to keep the law, the more our sinful nature is aroused. . No wonder there wasexuberant praise and worship!!! 13:13), and Gittite means belonging to the city of Gath. Gath was one of the Philistine cities (where Goliath was from). We are not meant to love money, chase after it, and be ruled by it. And the Bible said God blessed Obed-Edom. I used the word hypsoo and the words logos and rhema as the case studies. All these point towards one direction, that we cannot see Obed Edoms name and simply conclude that he was there due to the presence of God. When God Looks down and Sees the blood, He passed over us. He is contrasting law and grace. 9 And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir: 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of Esau. Without Jesus shed blood, there is no remission of sins (Heb. . It was designed to reveal your sin. If Obed Edom was a Levite living in Gath-rimmon, then it makes a lot of sense for David to deposit the ark at his house in the 2 Sam 6:10-12 episode. While we are not dependent upon the ark for the Lords presence, nor are we trying to move such a sacred piece of furniture, an unchanging principle remains. She needs a whole new appreciation of the BLOOD OF JESUS! 6:19). Yikes!!! True fear of the Lord is having a desire to please someone whom we know loves us. He wasnt murdered. David goes after the Ark and brings it home. The ark had been in Gibeah for over sixty years, and Saul had not sought or inquired of the Lord at the ark during all of his reign. Su historia es conocida en la Biblia porque recibi el Arca del Pacto en su casa durante tres meses. Itallows the cursesto operate in the lives ofbelieversif they are trying to keep the law in order to be acceptable to God, which is righteousness by works. Many of the same kinds of things that transpired 3 months priorlike lots of praise and worshipwere again present. The Word speaks indeed. But it was not by their might; it was in response to a revelation of Jesus! When a death sentence was pronounced on him, it did not stop him from doing what was right. Incredibly, though the Ark was only in his home for 3 months, the Bible records thatThe Lord blessed Obed Edom and all his household.. 13:3). went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obed-edom with joy." 1 Chron. May your family life be such a testimony that leads others back to the Lord and His grace. As Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, the veil of the Temple was rent in two. Open your homes. He was not only face down in front of the Ark, his head and hands were severed from the rest of his body. The word for Ox, is Aleph. Aleph () is also the number 1, in Hebrew. It is supposed to be carried on the shoulders of the priests, much like one would carry a champion. As a servant of the blood, Obed-Edom likely offered the blood of the sacrifice, and thats why he stood in the place of a righteous man. Firstly, 2 Sam 6:10-12 and 1 Chronicles 13:13-14 mentioned that Obed Edom was a Giddite. The Philistines had captured the Ark in a battle against Israel some years prior. Thats a whole lot of sacrifices and shedding of blood! For all the promises of God you read in the Old or New Testament, you claim them by faith by saying, Amen!, In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches (perez) thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old. Amos 9:11 KJV, breaches (perez) The word perez in Hebrew means breach.. So we can read Obed-Edoms name to mean servant of the blood., Bad news from the doctor regarding your stomach (intestine area), Pain in the right shoulder/upper arm area, Nerve in the right eye that is moving involuntarily, Restoration of a large sum of money that youve been cheated out of, Child being diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). 8:15). Your salvation is nothing. And every six paces, he offered another burnt offering unto the Lord. As for thetablets of sapphire, you may refer to the embedded ink above entitled, Ananias and Sapphire, for more on that topic. Obed-edom fue un levita que vivi en los das de David. (=adorateur d'dom). By all the means you can, A burnt offering EVERY SIX PACES! See Jesus in all the scriptures concerning Himself. Thenext time this name appears in the Old Testament was in 1 Chronicles 15 and 1 Chronicle 16. I. At the cross, our arch enemy, the devil, was stripped of all his power. God only wants the best for all people. He said, Im coming with you! He and all his house picked up stakes and moved in with the Ark, becoming gatekeepers alongside the priests! Tell me Church: Does God ever need our help? Church, youd better know with absolute certainty thatRighteousness is a gift you receive,not an action you perform. This teaching was an answer to prayer for me on both topics. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Moreover, the sons of Obededom The same at whose house the ark was, before it was brought by David to Zion; his sons were porters also, as himself, ( 1 Chronicles 15:24) ( 16:38) , mention is made of eight sons of his, according to their birth: Shemaiah, Jehozabad, Joah, Sacar, Nethaneel, Ammiel, Issachar, Peulthai; for God blessed him; 1 Chronicles 16:37-38 So he left Asaph and his brothers there before the ark of the covenant of the Lordto minister before the ark regularly,as every days workrequired; and Obed-Edom with his sixty-eight brethren, including Obed-Edom the son of Jeduthun, and Hosah, to begatekeepers;. We cannot addANYTHINGto it. you believe you will be blessed by God based on how well you keep the law), you have fallen from grace (Gal. Already he started out differently. He also left Obed-Edom and his sixty-eight associates to minister with them. Bible Verses About Love. One of them is indeed a Levite. endobj Might as well feed them arsenic. you should do that . When you believe that by grace, you have this righteous identity in Christ, you will start walking in practical holiness. When David became king, he went to bring the ark from Kirjath Jearim to Jerusalem (Mount Zion), which he had desired to do for many years. Thank you! This is why God called him A man after His own heart. Abba, too, desires that Jesus, His beloved Son, be THE CENTER OF WORSHIP..ALWAYS! He acknowledged God's presence and he was blessed. , The opening scripture is one of the most puzzling passages in the entire Bible for more than just a few, my self included. The entire story from the time the Philistines captured the ark and the time it was finally returned by King David to Jerusalem was a total of approx. Obed-edom = "servant of Edom" 1) a Levite and a Gittite who kept the ark after Uzzah was slain by God for touching the ark while it was being taken to Jerusalem 2) a Merarite Levite and a singer and gatekeeper 2a) the family descended from him 5654 `Obed 'Edowm o-bade' ed-ome' Because of the ark, Obed-Edom saw blessings everywhere in his family, on his crops, and everyone felt peace and joy in his house. 2 /5. But Gods Word doesnt stop there, it also ministers life and healing to all our flesh (Prov. In these two passages, it mentions a list of his descendants. which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear This yolk is referring to the law of Moses, which the Jewish forefathers were unable to keep. Similar to this, just as Obed-edom was willing to accept it, if we also . . The Lord bless you and your families. Youngs Literal Translation says it best: 19And He smiteth among the men of Beth-Shemesh, for they looked into the ark of Jehovah, yea, He smiteth among the peopleseventy men fifty chief men; and the people mourn, because Jehovah smote among the people a great smiting.. In fact, the more the law is preached, the worse sin gets because by the law is the knowledge of sin (Rom. When carried on the shoulders of the priests, howeverTHERIGHT WAYGod HIMSELF actually helped because, if He didnt, even the priests wouldnt be able to carry it. Thirdly, even if Obed Edom in 2 Sam 6:10-12 was not a Jew, it could not have been the same person in 1 Chronicles 15. . THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN JESUS IS BROUGHT BACK TO THE CENTER OF THE CHURCH! 4 And they brought it out of the house of Abinadab, whichwason the hill, accompanying the ark of God; and Ahio went before the ark. It can not possible. The sons of Shemaiah were . If you insist, however, Hell letyou do it your way. I stumbled (no pun) upon it searching Obed Edoms nationality. Learning Lessons from Jairus. Thanks for your kind words! That brings it to a whole new level! Thanks so much!! A person in whose premises, and under whose care, the ark was deposited when the death of Uzzah caused David to apprehend danger in taking it farther. Thank you for the great article. When the ark brought great destruction to many Philistine cities when it was passed around, the Philistines decided to send it back to Israel. He is distant; Someone to fear if you go astray, not that we advocate sin or lawlessness, of course. Following the death of Uzzah, David became angry with God and afraid to proceed with the ark. Needless to say, God was greatly displeased! 1045. So again thank you for this platform. 18:20, John 19:18, Luke 24:36, Rev. Let the presence of God manifest. Wednessday(men class): 5PM - 6PMFriday(Singing class): 5PM - 6PMSaturday(Evangelism): 10AM - 1PM, Do all the good you can, Some people think it is because of praise and worship that brought Gods blessing. Church, Jesus willingly laid down His life. He is contrasting mixture: The mixing of law and grace, and the true Gospel of Grace. Now, bear in mind, these were Jewish people. Wood in the Bible is a typology of humanity. Many believers today are committing the sin of Beth Shemesh by trying to justify themselves by the law. He was so afraid he decided he wasn't going to go any further. The deep things of the spirit that others fear to engage in, if you do, youd attract blessings that others have shun. 15:16). The secret of Obed-Edom's family blessings: valuing the blood of Jesus Value the person of Jesus and His finished work, and see God's abundant blessings come upon your entire household Salvation prayer Closing prayer OWN THE WORD (life application) Introduction: Say "yes" and "amen" to all of God's promises I believe you will know the right time to study and the right time to play games.. Further mentions of Obed Edom occurred in 1 Chronicles 26:4 and 1 Chronicles 26:8. You see, their god, Dagon, was a fish god; basically, a merman. He came to give LIFE MORE ABUNDANT! The entire narrative talked about David appointing the Levites to their respective duties for the tent which housed the Ark of Covenant. Once a year the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat, depicting Jesus blood Sacrifice to save all of us. Open your lives. Difficult. 6:14). The ark was the most precious possession Israel had. I believe you will glorify Jesus in your studies. It is similar to the feeling a child has toward his loving parents. Butwhy in the world did he follow their example? Youd be wrong. In the morning, where was their god? FACE DOWN IN FRONT OF THE ARK! (*For more on thesapphire tablets,you may follow the link below: Remember when Jesus said, My yoke is easy and My burden is light?This story perfectly illustrates that verse. . It explained and confirmed a lot of things in my Spirit. Your email address will not be published. Obed-Edom: 1. To those who try to add their good works to Jesus Finished work GodADDSto them all the plagues listed in this book! able (chayil) men. 1 Chronicles 26:7 NKJV. In Exodus 25:12-15, special rings and staves (poles) were built to carry the Ark. What? The Lesson of Uzza "And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets." 1 Chron. At all the times you can, No wonder there wasexuberant praise and worship!!! His disobedience had caused the death of an innocent man, and David was afraid to proceed. In ancient Israel, every year on the Day of Atonement, the high priest would sprinkle blood from the animal sacrifice on the mercy seat. Im so thankful for you sharing this. There is further proof of that in the article that follows about Ephraim and the House of Judah. Our Father doesnt want that for us. As a result, they were struck dead (1 Sam. As you supply them with grace-filled, Jesus-centered words, believe that God will transform your children and cause them to want to do the right thing. Obed-edom is an illustration of the service rendered to Hebrew religion by foreigners, reminding one of the Simon of Cyrene who bore the cross of Jesus ( Matthew 27:32, etc.). On the third morning, what did they find? He must have felt too personal or too common about it, that he forgot Gods commandments concerning it. It remained there three months, during which the family of Obed-edom so signally prospered that the king was encouraged to resume his first intention, which he then happily carried . As such,they are a typology of RIGHTEOUSNESS BY WORKS. Thats the message here. #3) A golden pot of manna, pictured above. The Beauty and Character of Queen Vashti. Taught by Stephen Armstrong We're in the middle of studying several chapters in 2 Samuel that summarize the success David had in ruling Israel during the early years of his reign God was working to bless David personally and He was at work blessing the nation through David both militarily and religiously The Philistines are a picture of the world; they did not know Gods ways. I mean, all he did was reach out his hand to steady the ark, and God killed him for it. He is filled with mercy, kindness, patience, compassion and forgivenesspossessing total and complete power. Admittedly, we don't know a lot about Obed-edom. And this coming week, the Lord grant to you and yours His wonderful shalom, wholeness, peace, and tranquility to lead and govern your lives. Remember Obed Edom? Worship with us at No 15 Grey street, polokor market warri. Who was Obed-Edom? lessons within the text as we consider: The Obedience of Obed-edom. God saw Obed-Edom in the righteousness of His Son. The incident with Uzza is a case in point, as we learn important lessons his death teaches us. Thank you. Now that doesnt seem fair, does it? Check well. Thats a whole lot of sacrifices and shedding of blood! You know, basically an ignorant nobody! 78:68). He put it on his own new ox cart, and started off with his impressive entourage. His fear had come because of the great tragedy experienced while moving the ark. I believe you will have a heart to study. And this is what I aim to do for this post to do a post on the name Obed Edom in the Old Testament. His HEAD: intelligence, and HANDS: power, were cut off. But..he returned with priests properly consecrated and educated on how to carry the Ark of God: On their shoulders. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Credits, Gift a GP Grace and Worship. When you consider the very steep and rocky terrain the oxen had to negotiate, you can see why they had a huge problem. What a great teaching. I accept Him into my life as my Savior, as my Lord, as my King. The ark is no longer needed to experience the presence and power of God. You can claim this same promise, for all the promises of God are yes and amen (2 Cor. PICK ONE. 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz. Once the Ark of the Covenant was recovered, it was taken to the House of Abinadab and stayed there until David became king. 2. But maybe he missed Bible study that week when he marched off to Kirjath Jearim. The account in 1 Chronicles is much more detailed. This time, there was also singing, but notice there is no mention of All their might. No self-righteousness. Join me as we look at the Old Testament Biblical story of Obed-edom and glean insights from his life to equip the stander.----- STANDING SUPERNATURALLY -----. 2 Sam.6:9 And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the ark of the LORD come to me? God promises to repair all the ruins and broken areas. David and many of his people were in a celebratory mood, everything seemed to be joyous until they came to Nachons threshing floor and the oxen jolted and shook the cart. We hope these sermon notes will be an encouragement to you! Open your hearts. Firstly, there is no apparent evidence that Obed Edom was appointed the gatekeeper because of his experience with the Ark. 13:13-14). God showed his love for us, for he sent his only Son into the world that through him we might have life. He, too, got a clearer and bigger revelation of the blood of Jesus. Wherever it was sent, the people were stricken with tumors and plagued with rats. What a song service time! And wives are called by God to submit themselves to their husbands as unto the Lord (Eph. Here we can at least access this freely everything on JP is paid for and its not cheap. First Chronicles 26:4-6 lists them and their own sons, along with their father, as gatekeepers in God's temple. Gods promises are all yours to believe and receive! I used to be too until I learned to see from Gods point of view. What lessons can you learn from his life? Copyright 2022 Not too long ago I heard on the news about a man who was going about the city . What must also be present is an overwhelming consciousness of our eternal righteousness and a greater appreciation of THE BLOOD OF JESUS. This is a simple testimony of rest and acceleration! King, Daniel. Because Israel at that time had forfeited the right to have God in their midst. Again, there is a typology here. Obedience and faith are essential to our Christian lives and witness before others. The two golden Cherubim, wings unfurled,heads pointeddownat the Mercy Seat, represent the guardians of Gods Holiness and Righteousness.