That dashboard looks sexy! We tend to think of this data as sensor readings. raidenlal 2 yr. ago. I submit this to assist others who may ned to know how to delete data from InfluxDB via the InfluxDB UI in HASSIO. Im wondering though, if you could exclude everything from trying to go into InfluxDB, and then only select the entities you do want to go in. Under Options select To the right to move the table inline with the graph. You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. I did that change some weeks ago and follows a slightly outdated guide but got it working. A series in InfluxDB is the unique set of 1) measurement name, combined with 2) tag names and their values. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. No idea why, but Im getting error message Once the data is stored in the database you can analyze it for trends, create graphs and use the data in other applications. This is my personal slice of the Internet, a place to show my projects and share ideas about all things smarthome, IoT and design, Adguard home is a great network wide DNS based ad blocker with a cleaner interface than Pihole. This is the challenging part. Do so and continue. So I decided to create one myself to help people to have a basic start with such deployment. So now we have the basic understanding of how to create a dashboard in Grafana (dont forget to hit the save button!!). Or we could choose just to aggregate all the sensors into one, and just display the Outside vs Inside temperature on this graph. Just as I'm typing this, maybe it is possible to fit an array of values in a sensor entity and use that to create a historic graph in HA. Heres another new Docker run command to try. Defines the measurement name in InfluxDB (the FROM clause of the query). Here you should be able to see the bucket you have created on the initial screen in the previous section. Thank you! This attribute contains component-specific override values. Thanks a lot for your articles. So it should be pretty seamless. Or when the sensor wakes? InfluxDB is working fine! -p 22022:22 I dont really need grafana as I want to import the values from influxdb into lovelace cards. Click those to bring up a context menu for the row, and click Add Panel. Nice job! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. To limit which entities are being exposed to InfluxDB, you can use the include and exclude parameters. But I think it has nothing to do with your code.Im sorry about that If I determine that the Supervised HA doesn't hold any particular benefits for me, I'll most likely migrate that to Docker as well in the future. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Add your timezone in the environment variables, so that you'll have proper timestamps in your database entries. InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2. Well also need to configure our data source, which is going to be InfluxDB. Im absolutely successful at seeing numeric values, but entities that will hold text (e.g. February 20, 2020. I looked around, but ended up creating my own Docker image based on this awesome Docker setup by Samuele Bistoletti, Samss does everything I need, but it comes installed with StatsD/Telegraf, and uses MySQL. -p 3003:3003 Huawei FusionSolar Kiosk to InfluxDB, MQTT, PVOutput and Home Assistant On the other hand, I wanted to have separate InfluxDB and Grafana, so that I could have both more control over versions (with HA addons, you're locked into what HA provides) and also simpler ability to use InfluxDB for some other potential thing in the future. v1 allows API authentication by username and password, whereas v2, which Im using here, only allows tokens. Note that value will be set to the value of the _value field in your query output. Thats an antipattern in docker. Following the instructions has a - in the username, which you may or may not have copied. Configure Home Assistant to export data to InfluxDB This is where well make some adjustments to how the graph is reading the data from InfluxDB. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City. You can find out how to create one here. Several other more or less random things :-). 2018-01-24 15:01:10,720 INFO reaped unknown pid 1644 As soon as you do this, your graph should look much better. Press "Continue" button. Maybe Home Assistant only reads the temperature outside once an hour from Dark Sky. This is a lot more tables compared to 1.xx queries, where you essentially had one table per unit_of_measurement across all entities. Port to use. When I create a new item, that is the default interval grouping. sensors: strings, date, experimental/query, etc. Looking at the flow chart below shows where InfluxDB sits in the flow of data for Home Automation. Access from outside will not be possible. Feature and enhancement requests should go in the Feature. It has a built-in HTTP API so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running InfluxDB is designed to be scalable, simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.. On the other hand, MariaDB is detailed as " An enhanced, drop-in . you could try this: 2018-01-24 15:01:24,835 INFO success: grafana entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (sta influxdb: 2018-01-24 15:00:56,529 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) My battery sensors all of a sudden show N/A% even though my other sensors are still giving data. Ill try to limit requests as suggested for the time being. I think the default retention period is 6 months, but yes longer periods might become something to think about. Go to the "Image" section of Docker app and double-click the downloaded image to start the Docker deployment. If you scroll through this, you should see entries that are obviously coming from HomeAssistant. And it can easily be integrated with Home Assistant. Which gives you a nice InfluxDB admin interface for managing your users, databases, data retention settings, and lets you peek inside the database using the Data Explorer. Im using docker on my Raspberry Pi 3+ right now to manage my Home Assistant configuration. Paste the query into the query "A" field in the bottom half of the "New dashboard / Edit panel" window which should still be open. Why run HA in a VM but components it needs in containers? In very short time you can create a custom dashboard that includes diagrams or current status numbers for your devices. I scroll down, to the bottom of the "Filter" frame until I see the "C" entry. Thank you! This is where I leave you. If you are using Docker and both containers are on the same network you can simply reach it via containername:port. When searching for the problem I noticed that $__interval variable was introduced in Grafana in version 4.2. InfluxDB is the time-series database handy to store your data coming from your Home Assistant instance. Needed with token configuration variable. Section 4 - Configure HomeAssistant to write data to InfluxDB. Im still running them both btw somehow dunno fallback feeling? Database shows up up with all the fields, but zero values are populated. I have had some problems with other dashboards that is using $__interval . Battery percentages over time, see how quickly batteries are used across your sensors to identify which ones are depleting the quickest, Power usage for main appliances like TVs, Fridges, Heaters and Airconditioners, Moisture levels in your indoor plants (I use the, Download rates for applications like Transmission, TV Volume Level (I can see what volume levels my, Humidity Levels in bathrooms to see what time of day people are showering or whos having extra long showers (. It works! Your best bet is to execute the queries from Chronograf to create the database. (Configure Filter). Ive been pointed in the direction of a bug within Chronograf. Best to check the latest docker run command on the repo at to get the latest port numbers to use. We'll repeat the process for Grafana read token. Hopefully they fix that in a future release. I already described how to use it with OpenHab in an earlier post. Long term Home Assistant data history with InfluxDB Reduce the complexity until something . Note that is the IP address of my NAS., If I can get the actual value it would be already ok. Hi Phil thank you for this tutorial im using HA on DSM6. Ive done all documented setup and double checked it. Well use this account to setup the dashboards. Most of the time I am online at the Discord chat. This made me think it couldn't resolve the host name, but I'm using the one from the guide in my config. Watch on. from the database - Telegraf - InfluxData Community Forums A smart home captures a lot of data. About Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. So click on the "Add an empty panel" choice. So nothing in my log except some unrelated issues with XKNX, sensor: Our next step is to configure Home Assistant to start logging changes to InfluxDB. Quick question: How do you control the size of the Influxdb? First off, well grab the docker image that will have the InfluxDB installation. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Im using localhost because my Home Assistant Docker container is running on the same machine. starting from the data source to the destination. By the way: In order to get the new versions I had to use the edge flag instead of latest, is that the correct way to use? By default this is going to send everything to InfluxDB. Lets switch over to Grafana to use this data. Save the "configuration.yaml" file and restart the home assistant. The good news is youre not the only one experiencing this. Assign a name to the container (InfluxDB, for instance) and click "Advanced Settings". The unique ID for this query. Try opening the webpage for Influx and creating a query. On the left menu click on the "InfluxDB Admin". I certainly had to piecemeal things from a whole bunch of sources. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. My InfluxDB folder is about 350 MB large after about two days. How do you handle this? hey is it ok to show me step by step , i tried to copy your query but it did not execute the command and gave me an error message. In my entry sensor example above, I would choose binary_sensor.entry_motion_227. So for now, I need to run a VM for HA instead of a docker. Home Assistant does the hard work of collecting data from all the sensors and aggregating it, we can then store it in the InfluxDB database. For more information, please see our Once youve run that query, a new database will have been created for Home Assistant to use. Afterwards we will connect it to Home Assistant. Overall it looks really good (I think), definitely better than in Home Assistant and only cost me one evening of work. Libraries to import in order to execute your query. Great article! If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? Not 100% sure give it a shot and let me know. In "Auth" section turn off the "Basic auth" option. Seems like a way to add multiple points of failure. 2018-01-24 15:00:57,532 INFO spawned: grafana with pid 1565 # The InfluxDB organisation that the bucket will belong to. Each sensors state is set by configuring a Flux query. Formally this is correct, but simply misleading. Go back to the Metrics tab, and click the Add Query button. Here is a quick explanation what automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts are in Home Assistant. Add a comment. is that 3 or 4 addons this week! If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. If someone has access to all my Grafana dashboards, theres probably bigger problems to solve first. and verify that the database exists and is READ/WRITE It's useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. Jens. Try this. I can see attributes, but no battery status . One thing you should add to your Home Assistant service is the, The second service is our new InfluxDB service. Next, you can delete unwanted entities completely: Exclude the entity from being written to the InfluxDB again. Now weve got an easy way to get battery levels into InfluxDB and Grafana, lets set up a gauge to display the battery percentage of a door sensor. It can also be used with an external data source. I am influx noob, first time touched it because of HA. How to access to the data by using InfluxDB add-on in Home Assistant Thanks. Although I cant see why not exactly. There is a much better software for this: Grafana. So, choose your username and password. Thanks for posting your docker run command. After I noticed that no data was being populated I changed the address in my YAML file to the actual internal ip address. In my setup Grafana is in the same Docker network as the InfluxDB database so you can access it directly via the Docker container name (influxdb in this case). Watch on. O want to view config because I installed telegraf but it cant write in influxdb. You can pull down the image on your Raspberry Pi by running: Docker should download the image from Docker hub and extract it on your Pi. Wow, once I figured out how to use a tenth of its capabilities, this thing is amazing! Available for free at, Press J to jump to the feed. Sensors in HA contain a single value, the query you use to fill that sensor has to return a single value. I want to include everything and keep it forever there, waiting to be visualized or something. Latest versions of the container have disabled SSH. Lets go! Sounds like an ever growing pool of data if no retention is set. This will store all data points in a single measurement. Another option to display data is Singlestat. The above example from my guide for automated low battery warnings shows such a dashboard for the current charge states of my battery powered devices. I might write a post for influxdb2 in the future, but no guarantees. If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? ? Is there a way to get it to update at least every hr or so? Also, I hope this can help newbies (like me) get your image started, here are the commands I had to use (DSM 6.1 did not like -v): mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/influxdb,target=/var/lib/influxdb, mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/grafana,target=/var/lib/grafana, philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. If you are looking for more details you can check out my other article about Grafana and OpenHab where I go into some more detail or install new panels/datasources/ from the Grafana plugin page. Let me know in the comments below how youve used InfluxDB. Click the "Add Folder" button and choose the location on your host filesystem, where Grafana will be storing its persistent data. port: 3004. Lets break down the setup into separate steps for creating the database and then hooking it up to Home Assistant. name grafana Here it's best if you set the "Local Port" section to 8086. In "Default Bucket" field enter name of the bucket you created in InfluxDB. philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. If that still doesnt fix it, I would then SSH into the container on port 22022. So the idea is working and values can be deleted, but the UX is not really good. Defines a template to extract a value from the payload. This supports templates. I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. Home Assistant (hass) is an open source home automation platform. I'm a very Newbie but nevertheless managed to start a couple of integrations successfully. For my entry sensor above, Im going to choose battery_entry_sensor. Once it restarts, Home Assistant should start sending data to InfluxDB. Make sure the FROM is set to home_assistant and you filter on domain or entity_id first. If you want to avoid access from the outside but still need to open the database (e.g. rtsecs) Now lets press the Add Query button again, and add all our internal sensors together. If you are looking to add the full Grafana dashboards or elements of it directly to your Home Assistant dashboards follow my guide here. and our All indications were good but I am not getting any data from home assistant first I used the loopback address in my YAML file because I am running both home assistant and Influx on the same NAS. Agree re Synologys Docker UI had a poke and useful for simple stuff, but bit limited. Click on the "Generate Token" menu and select the "Read/Write Token" option. I have been renaming the tags within Grafana as they come in as gibberish, What does the "friendly_name" section do? 1.xx only - Name of the database to use. They will be different, depending on what your environment is, but it should be obvious that HomeAssistant is their source. 1.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. Hi, Awsome article! 2.xx - Defaults to true for 2.xx, false otherwise false. Finally there is my own HA-Dockermon which allows you to start/stop containers from within Home Assistant. 2018-06-18 14:38:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain influxdb took 7.1 seconds. Section 2 - Initial Config of the InfluxDB. I kind of liked the idea of the "whole" supervised HA VM and not just the bare docker deployment. Select the whole query and copy it into clipboard. It sounds like the Home Assistant container cant access the InfluxDB container. One difference is that the guide recommended to replace the location of HAs database with a real data base also hosted somewhere. friendly_name: Bewegingsmelder grote kamer, and get this error : Could not render template Bewegingsmelder grote kamer: UndefinedError: sensor is undefined. You can learn more about it from their documentation or by using the query builder in the UI. Enter the following configuration into it: Make sure to replace the IP address, token value (the HomeAssistant - Write token) and potentially port, organization and bucket values with what you have setup. You can always change the retention, so that data gets dropped after a certain period. There is also useful -precision option to set format of timestamp. Yes, I saw the repo for connection pool increase. Only that now, this will be a query that we would actually want to display in Grafana. This is optional, but highly recommended. I tryed to install your container on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 but it seems not work properly. USE "<***db_name***>"; DELETE FROM "<***measurement_name***>" WHERE "<***tag***>" = '***tag_value***' AND time < '2021-04-04', Actual query eg: I'll be assuming that you've got HA running already and configured with some sensors and whatnot. Also check the username and password for influxdb. Integrating into Home Assistant. Be sure that what you put in the -v /path/for/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb exists and writeable. Navigate to your InfluxDB installation. Might be an issue with the template youre using to extract them. We now have a basic Singlestat added to the dashboard. Where does the data for InfluxDB come from and where is it stored? Thanks for the heads up about Glances. Click the select measurement and this time choose %. Seems like a permission issue which I am not sure how to fix. Influx vs Prometheus vs Timescale. Hmm to be honest I havent taken much thought about that, as the data is housed on my NAS (where I dont really care too much about storage limits for now). Once selected, change the SELECT field(value) so it reads field(battery_level). I always get a Connection refused. It may not save the last poll value over restarts though. currently i cant find any stats for my sonos speakers on grafana even though all 12 are in home assistant, but other devices like lightbulbs show up fine. You can set z-wave parameters from within Home Assistant. addon-influxdb/ at main hassio-addons/addon-influxdb It will allow you to visualize data as well. Then, other apps (like Grafana) can query the database to create visualizations. Now we need to add another sensor to this query. Seems very strange. Thamks for your great guide! This add-on comes with Chronograf & Kapacitor pre-installed as well. Now Im very happy with the new versions of Grafana and InfluxDB. So, from my Google research it looks like you have to set the connection pool when connecting to InfluxDB. Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue. In "Token" field copy-paste the value of the "Grafana - Read" token, that you saved at the end of Section 3. If youre using my Docker container, heres how Ive set it up. Hey Phil , sorry for my late answer i had a packed day and thank you for your time, By using that command i am unable to access grafana afterwards. Hello Phil, I just installed the InfluxDB-Grafana docker. Cant SSH to 22022, get connection refused. Im curious, how are you using this? In my setup, I use the recorder and history components to track the last two days of history from Home Assistant. {% else %} rtsecs). Duration or time value to start range from. (sorry for al those questions). :-). Im a total dunce when it comes to CLI commands! Set this to specify the time precision sent to influxdb. {{ sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level }} The Influx admin panel was removed in a newer version of Influx in favour of Chronograf. In my case I've got several temperature sensors setup in HomeAssistant. 23f6dfc96bc8eb520513b97a843686129cb84d8566402114d82a73f12de40c26 Could be a permissions issue. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Select the "Enable auto-restart" checkbox. let me know if that works for you. The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. These are great tools to see what the state of something was at a certain point in time, or what time an automation executed. That should fix it for you. Click the Edit button to open the graph editor at the bottom of the screen. InfluxDB adds a data type to every measurement value after it records the first measurement. About Home Assistant. I suggest "HomeAssistant". I guess they can be removed. You can use the data to refine what the temperatures need to be inside vs outside before the AC comes on for example. I have done minimal configuration for the InfluxDB that I thought would work, but I miss many of the entities - most importantly I miss all of the temperature sensors, which I wanted to keep in history. Of course these are just some ideas Ive had. Thanks a lot for your reply. Btw there is one bug in Grafana which the team is pushing on InfluxDB about displaying no graphs for a queried time range if there was no value written to the DB. We'll create a couple more for better security and particular purpose.