As the adage goes, first impression lasts, and it holds true even for our pets. However, American shorthairs, Maine coons, and Ragdolls are cat breeds that are known for getting on great with pooches. Newfoundlands are the gentle giants of the dog world. I should have saidgiven the opportunity to stare..he will. She shook the daylights out of a baby woodchuck earlier this year and yesterday she tried digging her way through the car floor board yesterday when she saw another woodchuck by the roadside. As a reward for his quiet, let your border colliesniff the cat and get licked by it. However, this dog breed should be trained to not chase after the kitty early on. Nope, they are mortal enemies, don't get along at all. The stigma that cats and dogs don't get along is a long-standing myth. Kittens are energetic and playful, both of which are qualities any Border collie will appreciate. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. How do I get my Border Collie to stop chasing cats? Plus, collies tend to be gentle dogs, including with kids and other family pets. As an adult cat, Tiger Lily teased the pups when they came but as they grew she started to recognize them as potential pals. How that is possible, I don't know, but there you go. Yes, I'm doing that now. For no apparent reason, the border collie continues to snap at your cat. Although Border Collies can be good with cats, not all Border Collies will get along with cats. While thoroughly researched and meticulously checked, the content on Pet Educate does not constitute, nor should replace any pet medical advice. Your cat wont appreciate being on the receiving end of this treatment, so you must supervise their interactions. You are recommended to understand the reasons, adopt the precautions, and provide your dog with the best companion. Keep an eye on both creatures and track their development until they are comfortable with each other. Both of my dogs are cat friendly. chicken or beef. Likewise, a cat who tries to escape will only trigger the Border collie to run after him. My goal is tolerance between the two. Consider getting the Kannon K2 Ball Launcher to get your hyperactive Border collie jumping and fetching. Border Collies require a lot of . Beyond this, aside from many brisk walks or runs, get your border collie to play games like tug and frisbee, believe it or not, these lively games get your dog to calm down. Regularly feeding of treats, rewards and offering praise will also incentivize your border collie to act better in the presence of cats. Cats love heights, and they feel secure when they are up above. If a Border Collie sees a cat and starts to chase it, the owner may think it is cute or funny and encourage the dog to continue the behavior. These dogs are medium to large, ensuring better compatibility. Its in their blood to herd anything mobile, including cats. Sporting dogs, such as retrievers and spaniels, typically get along with anyone, including cats. Physical Characteristics: Long double coat; fox-like face; pointy, erect ears; curled tail. On the other hand, a playful kitty who likes being chased and loves to razz your dog could be a suitable playmate. If a cat runs after intense eye contact, the collie will chase after him. And most will live happily with other animals, including cats, which they will likely view as just another member of the pack. Another excellent approach is to set up your environment for success. Moreover, dogs with low to moderate energy levels are good for cats, as they won't startle or stress their feline companions with outbursts of activity. Let us now take a closer look at how these two animals typically do alongside one another before we move onto some introduction, socialization and training tips. An excellent example is the Carlson Expandable Walk-Through Pet Gate with a Small Pet Door. Border collies are avid herders and may attempt to herd cats. How Do I Stop a Dog From Attacking a Cat?. Most retain this instinct, and your cat might become a target. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site I created to share everything Ive learned about pet ownership over the years and my extensive research along the way. Here are the qualities you can expect from raising a Border Collie dog, on a scale of 1 paw (low) to 5 paws (high). While it ultimately comes down to the individual dog (and cat), certain breeds have tendencies that help them get along with other species. But what about cats? Additionally, providing each animal with plenty of exercises and mental stimulation can help reduce any potential conflicts. Now, how would you feel if someone was following you and watching your every move? If taught from a young age, a Border Collie can get along with other cats or dogs. If you have a border collie and a cat, there will be extra dirt to clean up. Since they notice a kind of game when the Border Collie starts this behavior. Generally a sociable breed, Border Collies normally enjoy the company of other dogs and can get along with cats if introduced from an early age. If your cat and your border collie get along, and your cat likes mischievous fun, they can often have a stimulating time together. But thankfully, it can be done with the right mindset and approach. Much depends on the personality of both your collie and your cat and the age at which they are introduced. This isnt to suggest that you cant introduce a cat to your border collie; you can, but the optimal time is when theyre three months old. exceptionally well at most canine sports, so consider enrolling your dog in any Other times, the cat is very sweet and will try to rub up against the BC. While all three are highly intelligent and can be trained to behave around cats, the smaller miniature and toy varieties are generally less intimidating to a cat. Moreover, what can be done to address this behavior? For instance, terriers are tenacious, feisty, and full of energy. The easiest way for Border collies and cats to live harmoniously together is to adopt a puppy, preferably younger than 12 weeks old. Most adult dogs are 18 - 22 inches tall and reach a weight of 30 - 55 pounds. These dogs traditionally hunted in large packs with hunters accompanying the packs on foot or horseback, so it was imperative that they got along with other animals. Collies are intelligent and bred to work with people, so they have a strong desire to please. But make sure that they are properly introduced and trained to get along. Provide an escape path for the cat in the first few weeks in case your border colliechooses to surprise you. Remember, as a responsible dog owner, it is important to keep an eye on your dogs behavior. And as long as he isn't in my arms, Meg gets insanely jealous whenever I pick up a cat. Some dogs can be challenging and take more work. Newfies are patient, calm, and protective of their family members. When introducing a cat and dog, it is important to do so gradually. But if you have the patience and commitment, it is not impossible to reform your pooch. This can change day by day, context by context, etc. Although collies are prone to herding and chasing cats they don't recognize, once a collie accepts your cat as part of their family, collies get on very well with cats. Most pugs lack the inclination to chase or otherwise bother a cat, so they generally can live successfully with felines. It depends a great deal on the dog's prey drive, I think. The dogs, surprised, took off around the back of the house being chased by this little cat. Cats Tend To Get Used To Border Collies If it is true that at the beginning, the grazing behavior can tire an uncomfortable the cat. They now run freely in the apt but are separated again at night just in case. Border collies were bred initially as sheepdogs, and these highly intelligent dogs love nothing more than to be put to work. [ezoic id="9] Occasionally Anni will initiate play with Meg. Its crucial to give your cat his own room and not compel them to do anything they dont want to do if they appear terrified or panicked. It is also important to supervise their interactions if necessary to prevent any negative behaviors. Pugs are charming and happy little dogs that can get along with almost anybody. Pause and study your border collies reaction before introducing new names or prizes. Intrigued and needing to know this myself, I decided to conduct some research. . Toys have a much higher value so it's pretty easy to get him onto something else. This act is not recommended at all. They do need exercise, but they are not as "high octane" as the border collie. Like the beagle, the basset hound is also a scent hound. A Border Collie is a playful dog that loves running around and playing with its owner. Can A Border Collie Get Along With A Cat? Some of the cats, particularly my little siamese female is very scared of the dogs. Regardless, a Border collie may still attempt to gather indoor cats and other smaller pets to exercise his deep innate need. . In this article, we will explore the reasons why some Border Collies become obsessed with cats. This means that they like boys more than female dogs. Not all cats will get along with even the friendliest of dogs. Why is my Border Collie obsessed with cats? They even sometimes snuggle together, which is pretty shocking considering that neither cats nor BCs are usually too enthusiastic about cuddling. Are you sure that it is not your cat who is initiating the confrontations? CERTIFIED GENTLE AND SAFE Chlorine free and color safe. Its preferable if they have their own room, so they may relax before meeting their new acquaintance. Plus, the dog breeds that are typically people-pleasing and trainable are ideal, as they can be taught how to coexist nicely with a cat. Border Collies are a versatile breed. I do not let my dogs chase my cats. Are you constantly searching, Does your cat behave differently after a grooming appointment? Physical Characteristics: Dense smooth or rough coat; long, narrow face; comes in sable and white, tricolor, blue merle, and white. How many hours should a border collie sleep, Do Border Collies calm down after getting neutered or spayed. Paste as plain text instead, If you already have a cat, consider adopting an adult border collie from a rescue or shelter that does cat-testing. If you wish to share your home with both cats and dogs, look for a dog breed that's typically friendly with felines. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petcreeks_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petcreeks_com-medrectangle-3-0');In this post, I will highlight some advantages and disadvantages of having a border collie and a cat, then I will discuss ways to introduce both of them. Since they notice a kind of game when the Border Collie starts this behavior. Although not all herding dogs live well with cats, collies are a bit mellower than some other herding breeds and generally can resist the instinct to herd when the behavior wouldn't be appropriate (such as chasing the family cat). An indication of this is when he is surrounding a cat with his almost hypnotic stare. A playful kitten may enjoy being chased and might be an excellent companion to a border collie. The Border Collie, a medium-sized dog at 30 to 45 pounds, possesses a seemingly supernatural amount of energy and stamina a hardiness that was developed when he was required to work all day in. Your Border Collie, Best Substrate For Ball Pythons [Top 5 & Owners Buyers Guide], Are Border Collies Aggressive? Upload or insert images from URL. Bear generally gives cats a wide berth. This will help to reinforce the desired behavior. If it is true that at the beginning, the grazing behavior can tire an uncomfortable the cat. It is possible to have both a dog and a cat as pets in the same household. Perhaps the best way to train your border collie and to eradicate bad behavior is with an effective home training program. Border collies can certainly get along with cats, as long as a good relationship is fostered between them. No matter the gender, they will typically weigh between 30 to 55 pounds (14 to 25 kg). Spread a blanket that your cat typically sleeps on your collies bed to get them acclimated to the fragrance. Bear was raised around a siamese that would swat him on the nose regularlysometimes to keep him in line, sometimes for no reason at all. Teach your Border Collie to leave it: Teaching your Border Collie to leave it when they see a cat can help to prevent them from chasing or trying to herd the cat. Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation: Make sure your Border Collie gets enough exercise and mental stimulation. When these dogs herd sheep, they use a very intense stare and make eye contact with the sheep. They are extremely intelligent and have to be trained correctly to avoid behavioral issues. And some hounds, especially scent hounds, were bred to work closely in packs, so they are usually friendly with other furry family members. I've been thinking of getting a Border Collie pup since my Golden Retriever passed away a few months ago, however I have 2 cats (who got along fine with the Golden, respecting each others space) and am concerned how a Border Collie would get along with them, as I keep hearing that they do not mix well due to their herding instinct. It is important to remember that each pet is an individual and may have different needs. Only positive training techniques should be used. As a pack dog, basset hounds are friendly and amicable. If so, you, Are you worried about a new cat in your house, Does your dog keep running away? Border collies generally do get along well with other dogs and cats but whether they want to show this level of affection to one another will depend. She strutted off to do whatever it is she does all day and left them hiding in the car. You can then separate your border collie from your cat. Because border collies are friendly dogs that enjoy being around other dogs, it will be simple, yetyou have to beconsistent. Follow these instructions when introducing a cat to a border collie for the first time: This is to avoid surprise attacks due to resource guarding. An excellent strategy to help your pets acclimate each other's scents is to exchange their toys, blankets, and beds at least twice a day. Breeds like Shiba Inus, terriers, greyhounds, and border collies often come up in discussions about dog breeds that don't get on well with kitties . Herding of other animals can be defined in multiple ways, including chasing, nipping, and barking. It is not unheard of for the two to play together, and even roughhouse! One of the main reasons why Border Collies may become obsessed with cats is their strong herding behavior. Border Collies are generally known to be very good with cats. Dexter plays great with the cats but we have to keep him away from the litter boxes or he will go digging for snacks (Ewwww). Golden retrievers are loving and sweet-natured, adaptable, and outgoing. My dogs have better games to play, and it's not fair for the cat (the dog is bigger) or the dog (the cat has claws). Massage your hands on your border collies back while drawing the cat closer with one hand to praise him for being calm. Our cats and dogs have always played together. If he remains calm, reward your canine buddy with praises and high-value treats, such as Blue Wilderness Trail Treats. If you really do have to leave your Border Collie and rabbit alone together, unsupervised, make sure they are both secure. One of the most intelligent of all breeds, the Border Collie is also one of the most challenging to live with. When you are away from home, make sure that you put your puppy in a crate, so that you can monitor their behavior with your cats until they are fully socialized. These dogs don't "work" for the sake of working like the Border Collie or Australian . Forcing the border collieand the cat to play or interact is not a smart idea. Though he's likely to get along just fine with cats, he also might try to herd them plus other dogs in the house, children and even you. You will also need a long leash and toys. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Kittens send him over the top. Border collies are meant to be in tune with their person, but also to be aware of the movement of the sheep. But it requires patience, understanding, and proper management to ensure that both pets are happy and healthy. At three months old, the border collie is still developing and obeying obedience training guidelines, as well as growing more affectionate towards any family members. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petcreeks_com-box-4','ezslot_6',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petcreeks_com-box-4-0');Border collies do get along with cats if you get both pets from their puppy and kitten stages. Yes, I have 2 border collies, 1 cat of my own, 2 permanent fosters and my mom's cat. This large breed is generally known for its calm demeanor and somewhat low activity level, so its size shouldn't be that intimidating for a cat. So, how do Border collies and cats coexist in your home? Act asap and address any issues that arise on time. Moreover, it is recommended to be consistent with your dog and not to reinforce unwanted behavior. So, as much as possible, there should be no mishap during the introduction. They are essentially a herding dog, bred for intelligence, stamina and energy. Not all Border Collies despise cats, some get along with them. In the next section we will look at some practical things that you can do. Now we have a BC who was raised with cats and he loves them. Repeat this process for a week until both parties feel more settled. While your Border collie could not see his feline sibling, his smell and movements will let him know that he is there. These are: The idea here is to keep your border collie distracted and to refrain from the need of herding/chasing a cat. Each time you let things slide, you are pushing back the end goal. Border collies do not necessarily have to be employed in farms, but you should always give this work-driven canine a job to keep him pumped up. But in order to properly assess this question, we need to look into the specifics of the breed. They befriend cats, squirrels, and most importantly other dogs quite fast. Safe to use around pets and children. Collies are generally very loyal to their owner and to anyone else they see as a part of their pack. Generally, yes, Border collies can live in harmony with a great number of other animals. No question, they can get along with kitties. You must be consistent when training your border collie to behave well with the cat and not allow the border collie to become bored as this can lead to trouble. Here we answer the most important questions with complete, objective, thorough and extensive research, while also pulling from our combined 250 years of pet ownership experience. Just remember that dogs are individuals, and not all dogs, even of the same breed, will fit the mold. The older male cat ignores the dog, and they ignore him. Border collies can be good with cats. A fabulous example is this 63-inch kitty condo by Furhaven, which offers both entertainment and sleeping areas. This is, of course, is most likely to occur if your border collie and cat have been socialized properly. Developed to be excellent shepherd dogs, Border Collies relish the chance to learn and let off steam. But then again, maybe they also know I won't let it go but so far. So, are border collies good with cats? Any price and availability information displayed on [relevant Amazon Site(s), as applicable] at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product. You need to be your cats advocate and not allow staring, it's only causing your pup to obsess and can quickly turn into a serious issue. When border collies are young, they do They may even chase them, particularly cats outside. I'm not sure, but wow, does he love cats. By Known as a family companion, the Alaskan Malamute is a friendly dog. The above lists of dogs that get along with cats and dogs that do not get along with cats, therefore, are not a black and white declaration, rather, they just simply list breeds of dogs that are more likely to chase and view cats as prey and dogs that are more ready to accept cats as a friend. and she chased them just about every chance she got. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'petcreeks_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',660,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petcreeks_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');At first, keep your bordercollie away from cats ifyoure bringing a new cat into the houseinto a house that already has a border collie. Introduce your pets face-to-face and have them watch each other move around. No issues to mention. Tip #3: Brush Up on Recall Skills and Basic Commands. Without enough exercise, they may become bored and develop unhealthy behaviors, such as an obsession with cats. If the Collie was likely to try herding other members of the family, let's call it all but a done deal with the Border Collie. One thing you'll want to consider if you really want your dogs to be great friends is that border collies have a different style of playing than many other breeds do, so you'll want them to . The stare is so sinister that it can actually intimidate a stubborn cow or sway chickens to march right back to their coop. Because they are herding dogs, Borders usually get along with other animals. Once the dog starts to take the treat, say leave it and close your hand. Meg and kitty touched noses in greeting and Meg turned to walk away. The owner of this website,, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking review to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, Herding of other animals can be defined in multiple ways, including chasing, nipping, and barking. How long do Golden Retriever Border Collie mixes live? Shih Tzu. A border collie thats ignored or left on her own too much can become destructive -- to your house and to your cat. It took centuries of breeding to keep all the characteristics that make them who they are today. Most of the dogs now ignore the cats, except Meg, the eight month old. Dog ownership is not all about rainbows and sunshine, especially if you have a whip-smart Border collie. I let the dogs out of the car when we pulled up and Meg went straight up to my aunt's little old black cat who was sitting in front of the house. Out of sight, I heard a yelp from Meg and then both dogs come running full speed back to the car and jump in. When that happens, you cannot expect your pooch just to stick his tongue out. Maybe he learned that the hard way. It is really up to you as the owner to encourage gentle play and interactions between your border collie and the cat. I used to try an split them up when they wrestled, but I gave up a couple months ago. Although the Border collie is not an aggressive breed, he has been bred to inherit the first few steps of the wolfs Predatory Sequence Eye, Orient, Stalk, and Chase. You are advised to consult with the vet or a professional if you are experiencing any issues with your pets getting along. 2 border collies, 2 cats. So gentle its been Certified Safe for all carpets, earning the Seal of Approval by the trusted Carpet and One (1) 30 lb. This way, your collie will be used to being around them from a young age. These dogs are incredibly smart, highly trainable, and aim to please. It can take more work to introduce a cat to a herding dog than breeds such as working or nanny dogs. Some cats prefer to be left alone and show little tolerance for other pets. They generally herd anything moving, in fact, they can nip kids and cats which highly indicates their herding behavior. I have 2 BCs and 4 cats. These highly intelligent and loyal dogs are by default gentle around children, other dogs, and even a pet cat or two. They seem to be larger than female Borders, but this is barely noticeable since both have the same physique. How do you punish a dog for chasing a cat? He's always licking them, trying to get them to play ect. Farming, sheep, gardening, agility, reining, music/guitar, technology, trail running/hiking/exploring. With the help of your kids, he can channel his energy into something more productive. He might also follow your kitty around the house, prevent him from entering certain places, and keep him in his line of sight all the time. Brodie has been pretty tolerant as well. This is not to say that at adult stages border collies cant get along with cats, they do get along but require more supervision. When the BCs were puppies I let the cats intimidate them a little, so they know the cats aren't afraid of them and have weapons at their disposal. Do Border collies get along well with other pets? Border Collies love chasing or herding things and can start chasing or herding this may be difficult for you and your cat. If you already have a border collie and you're thinking about adding a cat to the nest, test your dog first to find out if she'll be a predator or a playmate. Bag, Purina Fancy Feast Grain Free Pate Wet Cat Food Variety Pack, Poultry & Beef Collection - 3 oz.