Based on the findings from the Southeastern U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean pelagic hook-and-line/harpoon. Comment 13: AOLA expresses concern with how NMFS assigns M/SI when the origin of entanglement is unknown. Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Staff and volunteers from Feiro Marine Life Center and SR3 release a juvenile seal back to Port Angeles Harbor. on We work with partners to manage salmon and steelhead, groundfish, and coastal pelagic species in ocean and inland waters. Am I required to register under the MMPA? Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a COI, subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that COI displays a currently valid OMB control number. Literature citations should read as . We also manage and conserve marine mammals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and coordinate and support the marine mammal stranding networks. Our scientists conduct biological, ecological and oceanographic research, observations, and monitoring of the regions living marine resources and their environments. The classifications and definitions of U.S. commercial fisheries for 2021 are identical to those provided in the LOF for 2020 with the changes discussed below. Therefore, the high seas components of these fisheries pose the same risk to marine mammals as the components of these fisheries operating in U.S. waters. In other stocks of pantropical dolphins, the only documented fishery-related M/SI in the Northern Gulf of Mexico stock of pantropical are incidental to the pelagic longline fishery (2015 SAR). NMFS has classified these fisheries by analogy to other Category I or II fisheries that use similar fishing techniques or gear that are known to cause mortality or serious injury of marine mammals, as discussed in the final LOF for 1996 (60 FR 67063; December 28, 1995), and according to factors listed in the definition of a Category II fishery in 50 CFR 229.2 (i.e., fishing techniques, gear types, methods used to deter marine mammals, target species, seasons and areas fished, qualitative data from logbooks or fishermen reports, stranding data, and the species and distribution of marine mammals in the area). In the table below, the Region column shows if the species can be found in a NOAA Fisheries region. This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the Bottlenose dolphin, HI Pelagic. Vessel or gear owners participating in previous Category III fisheries reclassified as a Category II fishery in this final 2021 LOF can obtain their MMAP certificate on our website Credit: NOAA Fisheries. In addition, MMPA section 118(d)(7) provides NMFS, with the consent by the vessel owner, the ability to place an observer on board a vessel participating in Category III fisheries (50 CFR 229.7(d)). The groundfish fishery management plan contains measures to conserve and protect groundfish essential fish habitat. Therefore, some vessel or gear owners in Category III fisheries may receive authorization certificates even though they are not required for Category III fisheries. We review federal proposals for land and water development to make sure these activities do not further degrade habitat or harm protected species. Bottlenose dolphin, Biscayne Bay estuarine. Bottlenose dolphin, Mobile Bay, Bonsecour Bay. These fishery fact sheets are updated after each final LOF and can be found under How Do I Find Out if a Specific Fishery is in Category I, II, or III? on the NMFS Office of Protected Resources' website:,, linked to the List of Fisheries Summary table. Jaclyn Taylor, Office of Protected Resources, 301-427-8402; Allison Rosner, Greater Atlantic Region, 978-281-9328; Jessica Powell, Southeast Region, 727-824-5312; Dan Lawson, West Coast Region, 206-526-4740; Suzie Teerlink, Alaska Region, 907-586-7240; Diana Kramer, Pacific Islands Region, 808-725-5167. Ghrist. This provides directives for consistently assigning M/SI to stocks, including times when the M/SI is documented in an area of overlapping stocks. Also, MHI Insular false killer whale range overlaps with areas that are open to deep-set longline fishing and MHI Insular false killer whales have been documented with injuries consistent with fisheries interactions that have not been attributed to a specific fishery (Baird et al., 2014). Vessels fishing for Pacific hake, shown here, sometimes inadvertently catch salmon in the wintertime fishery. Flatfish: 12 species including petrale sole, Dover sole, starry flounder, arrowtooth flounder, and Pacific sanddab. Red tracers are indicative of the gear marking scheme required for the ALWTRP Northern Inshore Trap/Pot fishery management area, a management area that overlaps Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts state waters. As described in the 2019 LOF (84 FR 22051, May 16, 2019), six false killer whale M/SI incidental to the deep-set longline fishery were observed inside the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around Hawaii, including three that occurred close to the outer boundary of the Main Hawaiian Islands Longline Fishing Prohibited Area, in close proximity to the outer boundary of the MHI Insular false killer whale stocks' range. The fishery classification criteria consist of a two-tiered, stock-specific approach that first addresses the total impact of all fisheries on each marine mammal stock and then addresses the impact of individual fisheries on each stock. NMFS reclassifies the AK BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery from a Category II to Category III fishery. NMFS adds three stocks to the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category II AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands Pacific cod pot fishery: (1) Bristol Bay stock of harbor seal, (2) Western North Pacific stock of humpback whale, and (3) Central North Pacific stock of humpback whale. Responses to substantive comments are below; comments on actions not related to the LOF are not included. (Federal Register 11 January 2023 [Proposed Rule] Pages 1548-1555) . Discarded catch is accounted for by the West Coast Groundfish Observer Program. Therefore, NMFS retains both the MHI insular and NWHI false killer whale stocks on the list of species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category I Hawaii deep-set longline fishery. Because fisheries are classified on a per-stock basis, a fishery may qualify as one category for one marine mammal stock and another category for a different marine mammal stock. Injury determinations for humpback whales and other cetaceans reported to the Hawaiian Islands Disentanglement and Pacific Islands Marine Mammal Response Networks during 2013-2016. Under Section 4(f)(1)(B), to the maximum . Humpback whale, Central North Pacific (Southeast AK). Some of the populations of each species are protected under the Endangered Species Act. to the courts under 44 U.S.C. This rule would have no adverse impacts on marine mammals and may have a positive impact on marine mammals by improving knowledge of marine mammals and the fisheries interacting with marine mammals through information collected from observer programs, stranding and sighting data, or take reduction teams. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to ensure that the regions living marine resources remain at healthy and sustainable levels, as functioning parts of their ecosystems, and continue to enhance the quality of life for the public. Tables 1, 2, and 3 also list the marine mammal species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured (seriously or non-seriously) in each fishery based on SARs, injury determination reports, bycatch estimation reports, observer data, logbook data, stranding data, disentanglement network data, fishermen self-reports (i.e., MMAP reports), and anecdotal reports. As part of her 20+ year tenure with NOAA Fisheries, Korie has worked on several marine and estuary habitat conservation programs nationally and along our West Coast, including national habitat policy for the Office of Habitat Con, Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Associate Deputy Regional Administrator (ADRA), (Acting), Assistant Regional Administrator, (Acting) Assistant Regional Administrator, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, Report a Stranded or Injured Marine Animal, Climate, Ecosystems & Fisheries Initiative, whales, pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), sea turtles, fish, and mollusks, Report a Stranded or Entangled Marine Mammal. ESUs/DPSs of west coast anadromous salmonids was published in the Federal Register on February 6, 2015 (80 FR 6695). Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries Off West Coast States NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-AFSC-355. NOAA Fisheries and the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) oversee the management of West Coast groundfish in U.S. federal waters. NMFS removes the Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lion from the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category II AK Gulf of Alaska sablefish longline fishery. documents in the last year. In some cases, more recent information may be available and used in the LOF. NMFS clarifies that the fishery does not target bluefin tuna, shortfin mako sharks and other shark species. Therefore, some vessels/participants may possess valid HSFCA permits without the ability to fish under the permit because it was issued for a gear type that is no longer authorized under the most current FMP. American Samoa bottomfish handline fishery from fewer than 30 to fewer than 20 vessels/persons. We support salmon fisheries in the Columbia River and Washington Coast through funding and production of hatchery fish at Mitchell Act facilities, and we work with our international partners to fund and implement the Pacific Salmon Treaty. section). Life history information continues to be evaluated and incorporated into the stock assessments which provide the basis for fishery management decisions. This unique population is cut off from its historical spawning and rearing habitat, and faces many other threats, but efforts are underway to help it recover. Mapping and Analysis of West Coast Groundfish NMFS removes the Alaska stock of ringed seal from the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category II AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands Pacific cod longline fishery. . False Killer Whales and Fisheries Interaction in Hawaiian Waters: Evidence for Sex Bias and Variation Among Populations and Social Groups. For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Plan (POCTRP), Atlantic Trawl Gear Take Reduction Team (ATGTRT). Injury determinations for humpback whales and other cetaceans reported to NOAA response networks in the Hawaiian Islands during 2017. Humpback whale, Western North Pacific. They experience more pronounced boom and bust population dynamics. The LOF includes a list of marine mammal species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured in each commercial fishery. documents in the last year, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 03/03/2023, 207 03/03/2023, 43 West Coast Region Committed to conserving and protecting our trust resources, the West Coast Region provides science-based conservation and management for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, marine mammals, sea turtles, and endangered species, and their habitats. 1361 et seq. Bottlenose dolphin, Charleston estuarine system. of the issuing agency. Harbor seal, Prince William Sound. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To The Commission continues to state that this M/SI estimate is based on data collected in salmon management areas 6-8 in 2012 and 2013, and is a conservative estimate since salmon management areas 6-8 comprise only a small portion of the total area surveyed. Salmon bycatch in the groundfish fishery most often occurs with trawl gear. Harvest specifications include annual catch limits for a species or species complex. The seal had injuries consistent from dog bites, and was transported to SR3 for rehabilitation. Portland, OR 97232-1274 . Learn more about Protected Resources on the West Coast. The West Coast Regions Area OfficesCalifornia Coastal, California Central Valley, Interior Columbia Basin, and Oregon and Washington Coastalcarry out integrated watershed-based approaches by focusing on the conservation of anadromous fish, their habitats, and the ecosystems on which they depend. NMFS also removes both the Eastern North Pacific AK resident stock and Gulf of Alaska, BSAI transient stock of killer whales from the list of species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured in the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery. In Tables 1 and 2, there are several fisheries classified as Category II that have no recent documented mortalities or serious injuries of marine mammals, or fisheries that did not result in a mortality or serious injury rate greater than 1 percent of a stock's PBR level based on known interactions. In 2011, NOAA Fisheries and the Council implemented catch shares management for portions of the commercial fishery. As noted in the 2016 SAR (Muto et al., 2017), the 2012 killer whale M/SI in the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery was assigned to both the resident and transient stocks of killer whale, given no genetic samples were collected and the overlap in the range of the two stocks in Alaska waters. NMFS removes three stocks from the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category II AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands pollock trawl fishery: (1) Alaska stock of ringed seal, (2) Central North Pacific stock of humpback whale and (3) Western North Pacific stock of humpback whale. Bottlenose dolphin, Charleston estuarine system. The commenter notes that in the absence of sufficient data to properly classify all fisheries, the MMPA provides that NMFS may evaluate other factors such as fishing techniques, gear used, methods used to deter marine mammals, target species, seasons and areas fished, qualitative data from logbooks or fishermen reports, stranding data, and the species and distribution of marine mammals in the area, or at the discretion of the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries. The West Coast groundfish recreational fisheries are primarily made up of anglers on charter fishing vessels targeting groundfish species with hook and line fishing gear. The report evaluates catch and bycatch of all species. State Receives more than $11 Million in Federal Grants to Benefit The fishery fact sheets summarize LOF classification information for the public and we will review and correct this error. The MHI insular stock of false killer whales have been documented via telemetry to move far enough offshore to reach longline fishing areas (Bradford et al., 2015). 230. For this reason, the number of HSFCA permits displayed in Table 3 is likely higher than the actual U.S. fishing effort on the high seas. With our partners, we are working on hundreds of projects to protect and restore vital habitat for West Coast fish and wildlife populations. 2015. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center work together to apply the latest science to sustainably manage the rich marine resources of the region for generations to come. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial 2021-00570 Filed 1-13-21; 8:45 am], updated on 4:15 PM on Friday, March 3, 2023, updated on 8:45 AM on Friday, March 3, 2023, 105 documents Ferguson, L.W. Is Action Likely to Adversely Affect Species? Approved recovery plans are subject to modification as dictated by new findings, changes in species status and the completion of recovery tasks. Therefore, the EEZ components of these fisheries pose the same risk to marine mammals as the components operating on the high seas. Prior to that she was the Division Manager and Operations & Policy Branch Chief in the California Coastal Office. Sign-up toreceive bulletins and notices by email. Critical habitat has not been designated for all listed entities. Beginning with the 2009 LOF, NMFS includes high seas fisheries in Table 3 of the LOF, along with the number of valid High Seas Fishing Compliance Act (HSFCA) permits in each fishery. NMFS is requesting comments on this proposed RFD schedule. for U.S Army Corps of Engineers' (COE) maintenance dredging program for eight federally-authorized navigation channels around the Puget Sound and along the west coast of Washington State. TRP regulations are found at 50 CFR 229.30 through 229.37. NMFS received nine comment letters on the proposed LOF for 2021 (85 FR 59258; September 21, 2020). The lack of marks on retrieved gear may indicate the current marking scheme is inadequate, or that entanglements are occurring in areas where gear is not currently marked, such as international waters or current exempted areas. The Commission states that implementing regulations allow for NMFS, in the absence of reliable estimates of the M/SI, to determine whether M/SI occurs `not at all or with a remote likelihood' (Category III), `occasionally' (Category II), or `frequently' based on analogy to similar fisheries. MLA alleges there are no documented M/SI in the Maine Federal lobster fishery, but the Category II classification may be warranted under an abundance of precaution that a future interaction could occur due to the offshore migration of North Atlantic right whales.
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