The Dragon's Trove will be happy to sell high end RPG products for you. Upon a dozen or more cloven-hoofed legs it strode, like some monstrous porcine hell beast, its flesh rough and wrinkled, bloated and pale. If reduced to zero hit points, Cymaeghi disintegrates into nothingness. What companies run services between Essen, Germany and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany? Over 550 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable powe, Mythos Galizien ist dem multikulturellen Erbe des historischen Kronlandes der sterreich-Ungarischen Monarchie gewidme, Die Diskussion um den Satanismus ist mehr von Spekulationen und Vorurteilen geprgt als von sachlichen Informationen. While the flesh rots, the mind is assaulted by visions of Hastur, the Lake of Hali, and so on, causing the automatic loss of 1D4 points of Sanity per day. Malleus Monstrorum is a two-volume bestiary for the Call of Cthulhu RPG, published by Chaosium. Note that the vast majority of Mythos gods do not Dodge, so no combat line is provided; if a Dodge value is ever required, use half DEX. Powers Cosmic Realignment: able to pull planets into new orbits, destroy planets, cause stars to die or be born, and any other number of cosmic phenomena. Oft times, a lone individual may be secretly guided by the hand of Nyarlathotep (perhaps via inspirational dreams, papers, a book, video, sound file, or similar) tempting them to construct a particular machine that can (unknowingly to them) be filled with the essence of the Tick Tock Man. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Manipulate Minds: Eihort is able to use the following psychic abilities on humans. In addition, may use the Kiss ability to drain magic points (see above). Powers Shark Coterie: prior to the appearance of this avatar, marine life acts erratically and uncharacteristically; fish, jellyfish, and others attempt to leave the area in a frantic panic akin to land animals fleeing an oncoming fire. The main text revised and supplemented by Mike Mason. Far better, it can enter and possess host, giving it a perfect disguise in all but its eyes, which turn deep black; if injured, black rather than red blood flows. While a reference to the Tablets may be found in certain editions of the Necronomicon, the Pnakotic Cult No human cult is believed to exist, although both the migo and the sand-dwellers are said to hold Ubbo-Sathla in their devotions. Toad Form: blessed with the ability to transform into a toad-like thing, with extended limbs and hair thickening to become reaching tendrils. Little did I know that this avenue of research would consume my life thereafter! Use the Hit Location table on page @@ and allow a Luck roll to determine if flesh has been touched (rather than clothing). Sometimes, the faces of the souls consumed by Nyarlathotep may be seen created in the clouds, blizzards, or dust of this awful wind. Instead you will have an antiquarian or professor who learns one or two spells in an individual adventure; uses them to defeat that adventure's specific threat (at personal cost); and then never uses them again. Large: water hose, hand grenade, rocket-propelled grenade, lethal poison. Some, however, liken this immense shark-like creature to be part of an unholy trinity alongside Dagon and Hydra, and no more than an ancient and huge deep one or starspawn. The beings form constantly shifts and changes as the geometric pattern spins, grows, shrinks, and changes. (Lesser Outer Gods) They dance within the void, some playing strange music, to quell the mind of Azathoth. Certainly, significant portions of the Revelations of Glaaki are concerned with the worship and hideous rites of Ygolonac, and, as that tome is (or was) allegedly created by the hands of Glaakis worshippers, some reason must be assumed to exist for Glaaki to favor Ygolonac. Conveyed upon a great shell chariot carried on the backs of dolphins, our master shall descend from the heavens. Magic POW: 100 Magic Points: 20 Spells: Bloat (variant), Breath of Pazzuzu, Create Mist of Rlyeh, Power Drain, Send Dream, Sirens Song, Wrath of Pazzuzu; others as desired by the Keeper. Lightning struck down the trees under which we took shelter, while sulfurous smells assailed our senses. Other names: the Dark God, Lord of the Volcano, That Which Cannot Be Seen. Of course, taking on such a form enabled Sebek to ingratiate itself among the culture of Ancient Egypt and thereby feed off the beliefs and sacrifices made to it, while in turn feeding off the life force of worshippers. Possible Blessings Use Angles: able to move through angles between locations or other bodies within 2 miles/3 km (costing 4 magic points); if a body, may prepare other people to be potential vessels (the original owners will is suppressed while their body is inhabited). Online. The Keeper should feel free to expand, adapt, and invent powers to better reflect their own view of a particular Old One or Outer God. Does such knowledge push a person to want to know more, opening themselves up to corruption, or do they strive to combat what they cannot fully comprehend and in so doing become a monster themselves? Despite such cataclysmic concerns, some hold that the laws of our universe are like rubber, able to reshape and withstand the appearance of this Outer God, and that Azathoths presence acts to regulate such cosmic occurrences. Swallow: if swallowed, a victim has but one chance of escape if they can successfully leap out of the Old Ones mouth on their next action ( Jump or Hard DEX roll). Wine connoisseurs and collectors, as well as those seeking the secrets of eternal life, may hear rumors of the cults miraculous bottles and seek to obtain them, using any means available to them. A few wizards disagree and have actively sought out or tried to summon Cythulos as means to crossover or challenge the door of death. Lloigor (race) copyright 2020 the Estate of Colin Wilson. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: SHUDDE MELL STR 450 CON 400 SIZ 600 DEX 75 Hit Points: 100 Damage Bonus (DB): +12D6 Build: 13 Move: 8 / 10 burrowing Combat Attacks per round: 1D4+4 (tentacles) or 1D4 (grab) or 1 (smash) May use its tentacles to bash, attacking with 1D4+4 tentacles (6D6 damage), may grab and then crush or drain up to 1D4 opponents, or use its bulk to smash and pound once per round. Possible Blessings Linked: followers who have tasted of the flesh of Yidhra (one of the more distasteful rites of such cults) become linked to their god. Those in remoter parts, may find serpent people resting or awake, and find themselves embroiled in the coils of Yig. The Brotherhood also venerate another of Nyarlathoteps masks, that of The Beast (also known as the Faceless God), which takes a form like that of Egypts Sphinx, an immense creature that has a hollow void filled with stars instead of a face. All such cults appear to hold the central belief that one day Cthugha shall come to cleanse the unworthy from the planet and that the blessed ones shall be reborn in flame to claim this world as their own. Its head was a caricature of human and fish, with two saucer-shaped eyes and an exceedingly wide mouth. Many human cults fashion themselves after the ghouls, partaking of unspeakable meals in the hope of gaining special insights or accelerating their transformation into full ghouls. Of course, where a deity possesses multiple attacks per round, such entities do gain a bonus die where their attacks outnumber the investigators; for example, if Cthulhu were facing a single investigator, it would enjoy a bonus die to its second attack. Hit Points: n/a Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: n/a Move: n/a Combat Attacks per round: n/a Chorazin has no physical attacks. One small but organized group is the Cult of Ghroth, who lurk in the Goatswood area of England and work to divine meaning in Ghroths passing. Normally, the spine itself kills the human victim (3D10 damage). Indeed, the text claims that it was this sound that unchained the prisons of the flying polyps, allowing these horrible creatures to continue their war against the Great Race of Yith and almost exterminate them from that time. A distinct sense of the alien and the other can be felt in its presence. What purpose were they tasked with? Do you play on a Virtual Tabletop? On Earth, this avatars arrival may have caused some humans to conceive or misattribute the manifestation to known earthly gods, such as Babalon, the Red Goddess; Babylon the Great, from the Book of Revelations (17:5), or Isis of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon; and so on. With success, the target is enveloped in a shroud of flame or light and then physically hurled away into the air (causing 6D6 damage from the eventual impact when they fall to the ground); the distance traveled by the target is 1D101,000 yards/meters. Horns: those injured by the entitys dripping horns should attempt a Hard CON roll to avoid their wounds becoming infected with a horrible and painful disease that rots and eats away at their flesh (1D6 damage per day). Call of Cthulhu - Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - AnyFlip The air around it seemed like heat haze, distorting the sight and causing parts to be momentarily amplified to our abundant horror. Certainly, local inhabitants (including First Nation peoples) may know lore concerning the entity but are more likely to fear rather than worship the Old One. Those within 100 yards/ meters may be drawn in as well should they fail a DEX roll (those behind structures may be safe). Spider Limbs: body is transformed, possessing multiple limbs or spider-like limbs instead of human ones. Such transactions require Yog-Sothoth to gain something in return, be this nourishment through sacrifices or a means to possess or instill a portion of its being into an earthly vessel. While its earthly appearances appear to have been rare, other alien civilizations seem to have received more attention. Those under BMoths influence usually do not realize it, experiencing blackouts during times when the entity is in control or remembering such times as vague dreams. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: DAOLOTH STR n/a CON 500 SIZ 200* DEX 150 *SIZ increases every round unless bound within a magical ward. The air tingles with expectation and the fear that this unpredictable monster could lunge forward at any time. A handful of witches and wizards have sought to call upon this avatar, often seeking to change past events to their benefit or to divine possible futures. Musical prodigies may attract the attention of Trunembra, whose music first infects their dreams and later continues to ring in their heads while awake. What seems certain is its current freedom, but what drew it and keeps it returning to the Earth remains a mystery. All stories concerning Chaugnar Faugn frame the deity in vampiric terms, as one who desires to sup on the lifeforce of others, and, in this case, humanity. New abilities may be granted, or old ones taken away. It may not manifest on Earth unless summoned to do so. I dread to think of the influence that could bear down on one who possessed just one of these idols, for my mere temporary contact during my research has led to fitful sleep and the most awful of nightmares. Around her feet were gathered an assortment of cat companions. Some have suggested a connection between Yibb-Tstll and Yog-Sothoth. If reduced to zero hit points, Nyogtha drains into the ground, leaving behind an acrid smell. Those taken back to its lair may fed upon, losing 2D10 points of POW per 24 hours. Something like oil given crude shape. Possible Blessings Carrion Call: able to summon a gathering of vermin and insects to obscure or obstruct others (costing 5 or more magic points). Otherwise, why would an Elder God devote such attention to Earth? In addition, a side effect of its proximity causes momentary fluctuations in time, causing people, objects, and places to alter in their apparent age; thus, a person may seem older and then younger, and so on. The Necronomicon makes mention of a Green Flame (which most assume to be Tulzscha) that dances around sleeping Azathoth. Scholars unaligned with the cult have posited the suggestion that Encounters Human contact with these Lesser Old Ones is particularly rare, requiring humans to physically journey to Jupiter by Gate, space steed, or another spell. The information within is designed to bring the creatures and bizarre races of the Cthulhu Mythos to life at the gaming table, as well as all manner of Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings. Encounters Those involved with countering the work of cults associated with entities like Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, and ShubNiggurath (among others) may find strange allies in the shape of human Nodens worshippers. In the main, though, it would seem that with the Old Ones extended period of hibernation such cults as they were have either dwindled or faded out of existence. Upon an overlarge head rose a single horn, below which its mouth was open to reveal many vicious-looking teeth. Disagreement surrounds the King in Yellow with some recognizing the entity as a singular being with its own agenda, while the majority posit the King as the primary avatar of He Who Is Not To Be Named, the Unspeakable One. All Contents 2023 Chaosium Inc. All Rights Reserved. All Knapp has to say on the subject is, unfamiliar lights did shine Possible Blessings Imbue: for those who have proved themselves worthy, the deity bestows great strength and speed (temporarily increasing STR by +4D10 points and MOV by +1D4+1 points). Yibb-Tstll, the watcher Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter YibbTstll; 1D4/1D10 to encounter its blood in a sentient external form. The act channels the Gift of Truth (see Daoloth: Sacred Light), provoking a Sanity roll (1D10/1D100 loss) and the acquisition of 1D10 points of Cthulhu Mythos per round until either the splinter is cast off or the victim is reduced to zero Sanity (either by direct loss or their Cthulhu Mythos skill causes their maximum Sanity to fall to zero). TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: LESSER OTHER GODS char. A person may resist this mind probe with a successful Extreme POW roll (certain spells may also afford some degree of protection). Readers, We have recently received word that the long-awaited Malleus Monstorum Slipcase Set is now available in print.
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