This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. If its too overwhelming to thank everyone personally, its ok to thank most people more casually, either in person or via phone or text. If you decide to go this way then try to include a short personalized message too. Written byShutterfly Community Last Updated: Jan 20, 2021. Thank you for coming to the funeral and for helping me. Get 20% off your next order! With Love, [name, signed], Dear [name], Thank you for the stories and memories you shared during the funeral. Thank you for your kind and comforting words, which have helped us feel a little less of the loss of our dear [name of lost loved one] as we mourn. Thank you for joining us on our mission. Can You Say Thanks In A Text, Email, Or Online Message. Blonde was never the look for me but you made it look great every single time. We were so pleased you could make the funeral and even more so to hear the wonderful memories and stories you shared. Do not be afraid of going overboard on the sentiment. 8. 66. When sending a note to someone who attended the funeral, be that family, friend or acquaintance, make it clear you appreciated them being there and any effort it may have taken them to come. Knowing who to send thank you notes to and who can go without after a funeral can be confusing. And when they receive your note, they will undoubtedly send more thoughts of comfort and peace your way. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Thank you for easing the financial strain after the loss of [name of lost loved one]. [He/she] wouldve been glad to know you were able to attend. But soon after a funeral you might start to think about sending your funeral thank you cards. If youre looking for specific phrases or wording to use in your funeral thank you cards, youll find samples below. For help, explore our complete guide on sympathy thank you notes below. Thank you! Just having the support of loved ones around you helps relieve the burden of a friend or family members loss. Thank you. to monetary donations, weve collected a range of phrases for any thank you. XOXO, [name, signed]. This can be anything from a follow up to the thank you, describing how their actions helped you, or a simple sentiment such as, You are a true friend.. Often, funeral directors will use this information to better serve other families in the future. 35. Cards arrive printed on our gorgeous #120 card stock with white or linen colored cotton envelopes. How To Say Thank You To A Funeral Director - Funeral Guide We may earn a commission after clicking links on the site before making a purchase. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful donation to [name of lost loved one]s chosen charity. Simply have all the family members sign it and send it any time in the weeks following the funeral. Jesus stayed at his home, and all who witnessed it were so surprised that Jesus would associate with a sinner such as Zacchaeus. 7. I am so appreciative of your generosity. We all knew how wonderful [he/she] was, but your touching sentiments reinforced what we believed. Thank you so much for the wonderful [list food] you shared with us last week. I appreciate your sympathy during this difficult time. Thank you for reminding me of how loved [he/she] was at the funeral. To the Funeral Director or People in the Funeral 71. You encouraged [him/her] and us more than you will ever know. You were an encouragement to us all. You saved me when I needed it most. Basic flat grave markers will cost roughly $500, while standard upright headstones will Paying for a Funeral: Should You Pay For A Funeral With Cash. "What could have been a very difficult experience was much easier thanks to you and your incredible team. To say the funeral was a joyous occasion is indeed an odd thing to say. Funeral staff workers see people during literally the darkest moments of their lives. You also have the option of sending out a mass thank you note that goes to everyone who contributed to your memorial website if youd like to make the process a bit more efficient. Sympathy Acknowledgemen. It was very soothing. Your presence at [deceaseds name]s funeral was greatly welcomed. We are all sinners, every single one of us. 68. Such a thoughtful donation has not gone unnoticed. 60 Pack Thank You Cards Bulk, Notes With Envelopes for Funeral , Floral 5 X 7 in. Picture Information. These professionals are educated and trained to help you make burial decisions, plan a funeral, and access the support services you need as you move forward with your life. That was very kind of you and we are so grateful to have you in our lives., Thank you for the amazing contribution. 2011-2023 62. When you are thanking those who offered condolences, attended the funeral, or gave you cards or gifts, a personal message is always ideal. But way back when kids were planning to be vets and teachers and firemen, Wendy wanted to write cards when she grew up and "make people happy every day." You sit there with pen in hand and well-formed thoughts in your head, but somehow it all gets lost between the head and the paper. What To Write In A Thank You Note To The Funeral Home? Heres an example of a thank you note to a funeral home: To the staff at ____ Funeral Home: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Everything so sad. Your words were touching, and you helped us celebrate [his/her] life in a way I will never forget. All rights reserved. They truly helped our family and highlighted what a special person [name] was.. I also want to thank you for the comfort you brought me. Funeral Thank You Notes: 21 Wording Examples Beach Funeral Thank You Cards with your sympathy acknowledgement to send following a funeral, memorial service or life celebration event on a beach After making the arrangements for the funeral, deep despair gripped me. Thank you for making that possible. To see them all bloom brightly for [him/her] made me often think of the love [he/she] shared with so many people and the lives [he/she] impacted. Zacchaeus became a changed man because of that time with Jesus. believe me, the e-book will completely vent you new situation to read. Write from the heart. [Name of lost loved one] loved to see the beauty in the world, and they would have enjoyed this gift from you. 58. Thank you so very much. Follow-up. Making advance arrangements for a funeral is almost always a good idea, but there are times when it makes more sense than others. Your donation helps us to pay for [list out expenses, or something general], and we wouldnt have been able to do that without your generous support. 3. Especially that time when you had to cut my hair super short in 2013 because I screwed my hair up so badly. Your words of condolence were beautiful and comforted to my emotionally distressed soul. Pair a digital gift card with a personalized thank you ecard, for an extra special surprise for the recipient. 27. Your kind condolences mean more than you know. You have eased my pain, although my tears still flow often and freely, I know I can turn to you. link to Types of Headstones: Common Designs, Materials & Costs, link to Paying for a Funeral: Should You Pay For A Funeral With Cash. The care and concern you showed are reminders that there are still good people in the world today. If you have a large number of thank yous to write and send and so need some help you can buy packs of thank you notes with prewritten messages printed in them. Yes, we are to hold each other accountable, but by no means should we be viewing ourselves as any better than a fellow brother, sister, or even someone who has not come to Christ yet. As a family, we were soothed by your prayer and kind words. The flowers are so bright and beautiful in this hard time. All rights reserved. 60 Thank You Messages After Death / Burial Of A Loved One If youre struggling with your funeral thank you notes then this guide will show you what to write, when to send them and some useful wording examples amongst much more. To remember [deceaseds name] in such a heartwarming way was so appreciated by the entire family. If youre writing a thank you note to someone special or an individual who chose to donate to in memory of your loved one, you could say something like: I wanted to send along a thank you note to let you know how much it meant that you donated towards covering [deceaseds name]s funeral expenses. When those you usually seek comfort from are all grieving along with you, it can feel like you have no one to lean on for support. Ideally, if you can, youd send them within a few weeks of the funeral. Writing physical funeral thank you notes and funeral thank you cards used to be the best and most common way to send acknowledgements after a funeral. There are several instances of his grace, just like this. The dress code for the funeral is dark smart casual and we invite you to wear something red as well as it was her favourite colour. 28. We never really know how losing a loved one will affect us, but this loss has hit me hard. This is the ultimate compliment you can pay. 67. It will not waste your time. How to Write a Thank You Note to a Funeral Home The darkness would have consumed me if it were not for you. Your care was a great comfort to me. Thank you. Writing thank you notes is usually one of the very first "after the funeral" tasks you will undertake. Judgement passed on them for their current, or even past sins. Her passion is to help others deal with . To have my home filled with beautiful flowers was wonderful. Your support in this trying time is touching. A belated thank you note doesn't need to be complicated. thank you note to hairdresser for funeral - Thank you for your sympathy. It is comforting for a family in sorrow to know that you have taken care of everything. It was hard to say goodbye to [name of lost loved one], whom we loved so dearly. It made a world of difference, and having your support helped us through this difficult time., I honestly cant say thank you enough. Uncategorized. People in these jobs have to have an extraordinary amount of patience and compassion while multi-tasking to ensure everything is well-organized and treating the deceased and their family with the utmost respect. We are so grateful for the lovely flowers you sent to the funeral. It meant so much that we were on your mind and that you took the time to show your support. 2. With your help, we were able to make funeral arrangements for [name of lost loved one]. I wanted to send a note thanking you for the beautiful wreath you sent for the funeral. They helped me to remember the brightness of [his/her] life, and how many people thought so highly of [him/her]. He did not sugarcoat things, and he never compromised the truth. Its at the toughest times that real friends show their worth, and having you there for support and a shoulder to cry on has been invaluable. Thank you so much for your generosity. Thank you for your kindness and for bringing some beauty to my time of sorrow. Sally Collins is a writer and the founder and owner of Sympathy Message Ideas. 22. Thank you for everything that you do to care for [him/her]. 64. Easily publish a free obituary, share funeral details, collect memories and more. It is hard to think about them no longer being here, but what comfort it brings to know that your donation in [his/her] name will help many other people in need. We have to stop driving each other away from the church. 14. Losing someone can be an emotionally traumatic experience. Our community is blessed to have ____ Funeral Home.. Your delicious gift of food was precisely the thing we needed to make it through a hard time. I send my most heartfelt thanks and gratitude. I am forever grateful and will remember your kindness, always. Special financing available. The Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), Peter and his constant doubting and slip-ups, and the sinner hanging on the cross next to Jesus (Luke 23:40-43.) It was a huge relief to me during a difficult time. Especially when I allowed my roommate to cut my hair. This is a folded A2, 5.5 x 4.25 funeral thank you note card. 15 Example Thank You Notes for Funeral Food I complied a list of all the wonderful things you've done for me as a hairdresser and you've done A LOT! Thank you. See details. It was such a kind and fitting tribute to [him/her]. We think of the church as the place we go, or don't go, on Sunday mornings. But within the family things get complicated. A Thank You Note to your Hairdresser when you're Moving to another City Dear Louisa, As you know, I'm moving to Chicago next month and so, very sadly, I'm going to have to say goodbye after 5 years of coming to 'The Hair Studio'. It has been a time of great sadness and loneliness, which has been lessened by your presence and support. If a friend or family member makes a monetary donation at the funeral either to a charity, foundation, or to the family directly to help with expenses its essential you send a personal thank you note. Homosexuality is no worse than continuous alcoholism, or habitual lying, gossiping, or constantly doubting Him. Thank you. Visit their Website. 36. Your words and actions have been so comforting. Sally Collins is a writer and the founder and owner of Sympathy Message Ideas. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 65. Expressing sincere thanks to one's long-time hair stylist I am happy, too. But people will understand if youre busy with other things during such a difficult time and so if it takes longer than that they wont mind. 2. Youre a true friend. 48. [Name of lost loved one] lived a great, long life, and [he/she] was so happy to have you in it.