They argue and fight. It remains possible that both (or neither) were involved in this case - as investigators implied over the years - but a successful case has not been built around either. Emanuel Fair's trial would begin in February of 2017 - more than six years after he had originally been charged, and more than eight years after Arpana Jinaga's murder. Yet, it seems like the limp had come from somewhere else, due to him arriving at the party with it; and it was theorized by investigators later on that the wrestling match was an cover by C.J. There were really intense, long jury deliberations for the first trial and hearing about that from people who were truly going in cold to this case and this story, I thought it was really fascinating and not a place I really imagined that wed be going at the beginning. Emmanuel Fair's Podcast Credits & Interviews | Podchaser Through clever investigating, O'Leary was later captured and ultimately linked to at least five violent rapes between Washington and Colorado: all of which he had photographed and documented, keeping mementos of the victims (such as their cell phones and cameras). C.J. Friends recall that she spoke of opening an animal sanctuary for endangered species in the future. During his interviews with investigators, C.J. In the year since Emanuel Fair's second trial came to an end, the story has received close to no attention from the world-at-large. One, that someone had broken into the third-floor apartment of the decedent by kicking in the front door, leaving behind the broken frame to be discovered by the 911 caller. It quickly became evident that the door leading into the apartment had been forced open, and the door jam was broken. Arpana Jinaga Unresolved claimed to not remember anything about them. New true-crime podcast reexamines the unsolved murder of a Redmond I hadn't seen her for months, I'd never thought about her like that [prior to the night of the Halloween party]". "That same year, Gail Hansen, a chaplain ministering to inmates at Carrizales, provided evidence of commonplace illegal activities under Sheriff Cantu.". Reply . According to investigators, they were also struggling to piece together a solid motive. - happened to be nearby. In the year of our Lord 2021, you cant swing a cat without hitting a true-crime podcast. - a former-student of Arpana's father in India, who had since become a professor in the states - and asked him to check in on Arpana at her apartment in Redmond. That the murder took place around the time of a Halloween party lends a slightly surreal quality to the way law-enforcement types discuss the case on tape: Was it the gangster? Justice has not been swift. Marc Patrick O'Leary, an Army veteran, is a convicted rapist and home invader who you might know from the well-known book "A False Report: An Unbelievable Story of Rape" (which was later adapted into the Netflix series "Unbelievable"). C.J. New episodes of the nine-part series will be released weekly on Tuesdays. Because of the scene left behind at the apartment complex, it was obvious that whoever had killed Arpana Jinaga had broken in and specifically targeted her, subjecting her to a violent assault and a rape (which would later be confirmed during her autopsy). The actions caused Alanis to become startled and turn around, and this is when the attack by the jailers began. That dream that would ultimately turn into a nightmare for herself and her loved ones, who have had to endure years of trials and tribulations in the wake of their tragic loss. This included the tape used to gag Arpana, DNA recovered from her neck (where she had been strangled), and a bloody robe found in the apartment complex's dumpster, which contained traces of Fair's DNA. While Emanuel Fair was acquitted of the charges levied against him, the jurors that decided his fate claim that it had little to do with his innocence; but, rather, the level of reasonable doubt that his attorneys were able to raise. Alanis was "left in that state for two hours, until he was taken to the Valley Regional Medical Center," according to the lawsuit. The two hung out often after Arpana moved to the Redmond area, but had begun to drift apart in the weeks before the murder (due to Arpana spending her free time volunteering and participating in her motorcycle club). This is sort of in the background of the show, but Seattle is a liberal place. It was also pointed out by the defense that Emanuel Fair - now standing trial for murder - had been involved in a small accident at the party that resulted in him getting a bloody lip inside of Arpana's apartment (which was verified by other partygoers). Over the next two years, C.J. New 'Suspect' Podcast Explores Halloween Party Murder of - Peoplemag It is unknown if Galarza and Solis are still employed by the county, and it is also unknown if they have hired attorneys to represent them. The linchpin of their case was forensic evidence: according to prosecutors, DNA from Emanuel Fair had been recovered at the crime scene, on several pieces of evidence that they believe the killer had touched. This contemporary moment of true-crime-podcast ubiquity and cultural power presents greater opportunity for more ambition and formal innovation than were seeing across the board right now, I think. could see that things were in disarray, and briefly scanned the apartment before locating the body of Arpana lying on her bedroom floor, already in the process of decomposing. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. While C.J. According to the 15-year-old victim, Fair had raped her numerous times, but this culminated in a final incident in the city of Burien that saw Fair escalate in violence, choking the teenage girl at gunpoint. After making this gruesome discovery, Jay would begin dialing 911. A handful of years before the murder of Arpana Jinaga, Emanuel Fair had been arrested and charged with raping a minor. The twelve jurors, who had originally leaned 9-3 in favor of acquittal, had been sent back to deliberate before ultimately coming up with a split decision (6-6 in favor of guilty/not-guilty, 5 of whom believed that "C.J." as a suspect which is why they ultimately presented a case that didn't do so. In 2019, he ultimately walked free after being acquitted of the murder charges. Both jailers acted under color and are not entitled to qualify for immunity because the excessive use of force violated Alanis-Mejia's Fourteen Amendment constitutional rights, the lawsuit alleged. This likely resulted in his DNA being distributed throughout the apartment; in particular, in Arpana's bathroom, where he had cleaned himself up. Dispatchers would tell both of the men to leave the apartment but remain nearby, and wait for investigators to arrive. Benson: I think no one feels satisfied with the outcome. After all, nothing else of value had been stolen from the apartment, so someone might have been on the phone and camera that didn't want to be. Its absence led investigators to speculate that robbery had played some kind of motive, as the killer might have stolen the bike to flee from the scene, but police would later locate the motorcycle at a repair shop in Everett, where Arpana had taken it days prior. The crime scene itself was a maelstrom of forensic evidence because more than a dozen people had been inside of Arpana Jinaga's apartment just hours before her death, attending the Halloween party. "We still consider it early in the investigation. One of the more intriguing aspects of Suspect, a new nine-part investigative true-crime podcast, is the extent to which many of the people interviewed seem to express outward awareness about the fact theyre on a true-crime podcast and what that can mean. had even asked people whether or not he had killed Arpana, seeming to be unsure of the answer himself. Redmond Police spokesman Jim Bove would tell reporters later that day (Monday, November 3rd): "There were signs of trauma in the apartment We have booked it as a case of suspicious death.". Posting comments is now limited to subscribers only. While investigators had already analyzed the evidence and saw that it could feasibly implicate Emanuel Fair's involvement in the murder, it was anything but definitive (and could create reasonable doubt if brought up in trial). Now, nearly two years later, Emanuel Fair was being charged with 1st-degree murder and was transferred to the King County jail to await trial. According to prosecutors, Emanuel Fair claimed to have gone back to his friend Leslie's apartment at around 1:00 AM but would make nearly two dozen calls to three separate women (none of whom were Arpana) between 2:00 and 5:00 AM. She would begin working there in March of 2008, and a company spokesman would later say that during her brief six-month tenure at the company, she had cemented herself as a hardworking and bright employee, who was considered a "rising star" among the higher-ups at EMC. How Tyrel Jackson Williams Brought TikTok Cringe to, Its sort of a newer version of the L.A. actor ride that Kyle is on the first two seasons, but its worse.. Discover golden trading opportunities with FXTM, Laura B. Martinez, The Brownsville Herald, Texas. The autopsy revealed that Arpana had been strangled and asphyxiated to death, roughly two days before her body was discovered. Multiple witnesses had claimed to see Arpana return to her apartment at around 3:00 AM on November 1st, and shortly thereafter, some of her neighbors had recalled hearing "moaning" coming from her apartment (which they assumed was consensual sex taking place). A new true-crime podcast delves into the complicated murder case of a rising 24-year-old software programmer in Redmond, Wash. This eventually led to her moving to the United States to attend Rutger's University in New Jersey. In fact, Suspect is as straightforward as a true-crime podcast can get. Was it Jesus secretary? Suspect initially sticks to the costumed whodunit structure, chiefly to establish the gallery of possible suspects, but eventually jettisons that framing as it progresses through the outcome of the actual police investigation. Speaking to the Redmond Reporter, some of the club's members would remember Arpana as the fun-loving, ambitious young woman she had been - not just the victim she had become in local newspapers. The empty bottle of motor oil was found inside of a plastic bag, which also contained Arpana's Halloween costume, a blood-stained bathrobe, and sheets from Arpana's bed, which were conspicuously missing from the crime scene. In pretrial motions filed by Fair's attorneys, it was claimed that Emanuel Fair, a black man, had been treated very differently from other suspects or POIs (most of whom were white). Shaer and Benson previously collaborated on another true-crime podcast calledOver My Dead Body.. We didnt know that the King County prosecutors office was going to be willing to participate in the show. A pre-trial conference has been scheduled for May 30 before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ronald G. Morgan. "Defendants Galarza and Solis acted unprofessionally and in a manner they knew would cause additional stress to Alanis' situation for no legitimate reason other than to bully Alanis because defendants Galarza and Solis were in a position of authority, power and control to do so," the lawsuit stated. Some of these individuals had not even attended the Halloween party, which made the discovery of their DNA at the crime scene that much more surprising. Arpana Jinaga - Spreaker The Troubling Trial of Emanuel Fair | Seattle Weekly She even participated in Taekwondo classes and dabbled in a couple of musical ventures (including singing in a band back east while attending university). By the time she was reaching adulthood, Arpana had already become incredibly proficient in embedded systems (utilizing both hardware and software for specific functions) and gained international notoriety for her skills in 2005 when she participated in a design contest for Microchip.