Caroline explains that control is the only thing she has left in her life, so her feeling for him will have to wait until the mourning and self-loathing is over. As a vampire, Stefan's personality became increasingly complex. He then embarked on a journey to Nova Scotia with Elena, Shane, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Rebekah to seek the the cure that can help break the sire bond. Under your skinpulsating, flowing. Klaus laughs at this and jokes about "The Salvatores and their unshakable bond." In Bringing Out The Dead, Stefan makes sure that the fourth coffin is safe and wants Bonnie and her mom to open it. He says that since she's dying, he can "muster" some compassion for her. Valerie tells Damon to fill up a jug of gasoline to make sure they can successfully burn Julian's body, also telling them that he is already dead. At the hospital, Damon disagrees with Caroline's suggestion to use vamp blood to cure her mum. Clearly trying to fight his blood-lust as Charlotte tosses the corpse over to him, his fingers bloody and veins appearing underneath his eyes. Damon returns to Elena. Katherine was Stefan's, as well as his brother Damon's creator. Stefan feels guilty for letting Damon go, but Caroline tries to cheer him up, saying that it isn't his fault and that no one could've stopped Damon from going after Wes the other night, Stefan says her that he have to find Damon. Bonnie manages to find the which Aja who has come to help her and has also brought twelve witches with her which is exactly what Bonnie needs to complete the triangle. Fortunately for Ray, he gets a slight reprieve when Klaus gets word that Damon has been sniffing around. In While You Were Sleeping, Stefan arrives at the college where is Elena, he tells Elena about the seal keeping her inside and what Katherine did. Later both Stefan and Damon help Jeremy who is being attack by students, Stefan then realizes that it was a distraction. It worked. Klaus needs important information regarding the hunter that only Rebekah would know, but she is still angry with Klaus. In The Cell, Stefan took in Katherine and decided to watch over her so he could make sure she didn't kill herself. Caroline wants to get into a fight with Elena but Stefan stops her but in that exact moment Elena disappeared from their sight using her vampire speed. He is then on a stretcher by the back of an ambulance and is getting checked out by a paramedic. He then calls Klaus and tells him that, despite fulfilling his promise and undoing the compulsions, he took everything from Stefan. He met Lexi in New Orleans and she got him to feed on animal blood. When Stefan was a human, although he and Damon were very close, Stefan always had an independent personality. Stefan says that she'll still live her life sired to Damon. Stefan tells him they have to find a way to kill Rayna or get rid of his scar. He said that if Lily gets the stone, he'll kill Julian himself. Stefan can't believe his eyes and touches Damon to make sure he is real. Stefan explains that Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's also supernatural so if he takes the cure and dies he'll be stuck on the other side. Stefan won't allow it and wants to take Connor, but Damon, still suspicious about Klaus' involvement, doesn't let up. They go to Shane's office and try to find the headstone and Rebekah comes across some "herbs" and suggests that they have fun. Because of this, Stefan always seemed to be much older than his actual age. Caroline reluctantly agrees. In Stand By Me, Elena and Stefan find Jeremy dead and Silas and the cure gone. Stefan says that while he was drowning in order to keep himself sane he would think of the moments that made him happy. Stefan's ethnic background on the show is half-French (from his mother) and half-Italian (from his father). In the meantime back at Mystic Falls Klaus is in deep pain because Silas has left a part of the white oak stake in his back and now he's hurt so the original hybrid calls Caroline and she comes and tries to help him. He asked Lily if she knew about the telegram Valerie sent him saying she was coming back to him. Stefan hangs up; telling Caroline and the hybrid guards that they don't need the sword anymore. After some conferring, they expect the Travelers will be coming for Stefan and Elena today to break the witches' curse so they can settle in Mystic Falls. Stefan stops a brunette/black haired woman from running out of her house, while being chased by Klaus. With his hands full, Stefan's phone rings, so Caroline awkwardly fishes it out of his front pocket and answers it to hear her mom on the other end just checking in. Enzo tells them that Wes was experimenting with him and so discovered the antidote, Caroline ask what does that have to do with them, Sloan say that when Wes died, the Travelers took it. Title(s) As well as being shot by his own father, he has his heart ripped out, is stabbed twice by the Phoenix Sword, and sacrifices himself to the Hellfire in order to kill Katherine and save Damon. While talking to Elena, Stefan was distracted when he smelled blood from Caroline's victim. Realizing that there is no food or electricity, he goes and starts up the generator. Caroline looks to Enzo for an explanation of Stefan's rage. Back at the boarding house, Stefan is pouring drinks when Rebekah arrives, having been summoned. Stefan follows Connor and Jeremy to the classroom they're sitting in, and after deeming Jeremy safe, he leaves. Damon tells him that he killed Rayna several times but she only has eight lives. Qetsiyah begins to make a daylight ring for Stefan and tells him of how at the planned wedding of hers and Silas, everything started dying, she realized that Silas was drinking the immortality drink along with another. Stefan agrees and goes down while Damon is left up with Rebekah. The elder Salvatore says that Elena won't survive this-he tells Stefan to get her and go back home while he tries to find Bonnie. He tells her that he comes here with flowers everyday. Family information Stefan adjusts his shirts to see a 'X' shaped mark on his chest. In the same moment Elena appears behind them and says that she's not in denial, but she thinks that Jeremy has no longer his tattoo which probably means that he has fulfilled his supernatural destiny and maybe he's back to normal. After heart-to-heart chat, Stefan sees the bear's ear. How many more ways can you rip my heart out? As he pulled away you gasped, "that felt way too good.". Stefan wakes to find that Valerie has already been up and talking with the woman. Damon insists that losing control and killing people is inevitable for a vampire, and the sooner Elena accepts that, the better. Alaric enters with breakfast s'mores, the best reason to incinerate something. Damon talks Stefan into drinking human blood. Stefan also recalls from the story that Rebekah had been involved with one of the hunters. Elena gives into Stefan's high spirits and pops open the bottle, laughing gleefully as it overflows. They reveal their past with Tatia, the Original Petrova. Damon revealed that Stefan has only ever been in love twice in his whole entire life, and they both wore the same face; Katherine and Elena. Lexi told Stefan that he was a Ripper, and that there are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts, and that he was the bad parts. Stefan responds saying, "She is a pretty special girl" and Damon agrees. While reading, Elena finds out that Stefan attacked Jonathan and tried to kill him but Jonathan did not die because of the Gilbert ring. Stefan says to her to unlock the doors, but they can't do it, suddenly, the pedal pushes itself down and the vehicle moves forward. Stefan revealed he desired to move on from Elena, then ended up sleeping with Katherine. Stefan arrives to his home, where Damon is alone, they talk about the Damon's time with Enzo when they were in the cell, Damon tells him that he will find a way to help Enzo, Stefan says that it is not worth doing it, but Damon tells him that when they were both in the lab, it was Enzo who convinced him to not hate Stefan, Damon tells Stefan that he also has to be thankful to Enzo for that, unaware that Enzo at the moment is already dead. He hates that he's friends with vampires at all. After that Elena says that he clearly cares about her. He tries to reason with her saying how he wants to take down Silas just as much as she does but she mentions how she is a vindictive bitch and doesn't trust anyone. Their first relationship during Season Seven is strained a bit until Stefan and Caroline are forced to breakup for three years. Caroline says that Klaus should care now because he has killed many supernatural beings including vampires, werewolves and witches. He hangs up the phone and in that moment Elena comes and finds him. A miss comes out of the sprinkling system as a woman with scabs and sores all over her face says "night, night" to them. After many years away, Stefan returned to his hometown of Mystic Falls to visit his distant nephew, Zach. Stefan and Elena went to question John about the attack, but John insulted Elena's love for Stefan and offended her. Caroline encourages it. Stefan ignores her warning and goes straight to saying what he should have said at her mom's funeral in hopes that it'll will her to turn her humanity back on. They then continue their relationship (albeit physically only) as they go on a killing spree. He's trying to explain that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle and when he does Aja brings out a knife and says that Bonnie has to die and she can't be saved. Later, Elena arrives at the cabin where Stefan is, she is worried about him because she believes he has been sleeping with Qetsiyah. Stefan says his scar opened up so he doesn't have much time. He talks to Damon and tells him that the ring wont bring Jeremy back because he was a hunter, which meant he wasn't an ordinary human but a supernatural individual which meant that the ring won't work. Stefan then saw Elena Gilbert for the first time while rescuing her after her parents' car drove off Wickery Bridge. Elijah than says that Katherine may have been a liar but she didn't lie about Elena's transformation. Stefan confronts him about it and Damon explains that he brought the blood bag for Elena, and they argue again about what is best for Elena. Stefan Salvatore's Important Relationships. As they return to Elena's home Stefan realizes that someone is bleeding upstairs. Later, Rebekah re-enters the library and compels them into playing 'truth or dare', where she dares Elena into telling Stefan the truth about Damon. Lily gives her 'family' as speech that the bloodshed ends now. Stefan suggests that Caroline help her, but Elena says that Caroline is too good at self-control and wouldn't be as easy to relate to. Stefan will wear more formal clothing, such as suits and tuxedos, if he was either attending a formal gathering/event or a special occasion. She decides that it's best if they burn the house down so that way they would have a proper cover story. Stefan seems to be tempted by the blood but then looks at Elena. In She's Come Undone, Stefan and Damon are at the house with Elena locked in the safe and Damon playing mind games with her for over an hour and still no emotional response from Elena, Later Stefan is Caroline and she wants to see Elena and Stefan said they are not letting anyone see her and that it was whole point of locking her isolation leads to misery and lead to emotion, Caroline says that she's been there for days and hasn't improved at all Stefan says that she doesn't want to not yet and that she's devastated she's lost her brother, she attacked her friend Bonnie and killed an innocent woman and Caroline said that Stefan knew how to help her Stefan said that he is helping her and Caroline asks him by torturing her and Stefan says its not torture but an intervention and the only chance they have with her is to provoke her to trigger something fear, anger, self-pity or anything Caroline asks Stefan to let her talk to Elena before anymore intervention and that Elena can't hurt her if she's weak and begs him to let her try, later Caroline is with Elena at the basement Stefan wishes her good luck and leaves her with Elena, Caroline says the she brought something for Elena and pulls a vial of blood and gives it to Elena so that it could help think straight and she also adds that she doesn't agree with what Stefan and Damon are doing to her making her suffer to turn her humanity back and its not who Elena is, Caroline says she's not giving up on her and Elena starts to provoke her about that she's the reason that Tyler left town and the he was running from her and not from Klaus and about how pathetic she's going to look in the cap and gown and that she's a repulsive, blood-sucking control freak monster and Elena is attacking Caroline and she breaks Elena's neck and Stefan is behind her and tells him to do what he has to do, later Stefan and Damon are in a room with Elena tied up to chair and they took her daylight ring and they plan on using sunlight to torture her and as Stefan slowly opens the curtain Elena asks if she's supposed to feel scared and Stefan said that she will be and to focus on that fear because its the key to getting her humanity back and she says that they are not gonna burn her and adds that if they get her humanity back she'll remember that they tortured her and she'll hate them for it, Damon says to work risk and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena's skin is burning and Damon extinguishes the fire and asks for any emotion so they can stop it and Elena says that she's going to kill them, Stefan says that they don't want to torture her and she can stop it and its her choice, Elena is provoking Stefan for being the one to pull back the curtain and a part of him enjoys it considering that she dumped Stefan, Damon believes that they are breaking through the tough shell and getting to the center of her humanity and asks Stefan to shed some light into the situation, Stefan is ready to reopen the curtain and Elena says its going to hurt Stefan more than it hurts her Stefan says he knows what she's going through and that she's afraid to face the guilt she feels if she turns her emotions back on and the only way to help is to make the alternative hurt even worse and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena is in pain, later Elena is still in pain from exposure to sunlight Stefan closes the curtain and Damon says she'll thank him someday and after she gets her humanity she'll know that life without emotions blew and she provokes Damon by telling him that the sire bond also blew and going everyday believing that she was in love with him and saying that he was afraid that it wasn't real and says that it wasn't, Elena says to keep torturing and she and Stefan might give their relationship another go and she exposes herself to sunlight Stefan and Damon extinguish Elena from the flames and she says that they won't hurt and she doesn't have to afraid of anything, later Stefan and Damon are at the driveway Stefan sarcastically says that it went well and Damon is frustrated that Elena is being stubborn and doesn't want to turn it back on, even though every vampire does it with out any problems Stefan says that she has nothing to come back to after she lost her home and her family and destroyed her relationships, Damon said that scaring her should have worked and that she's smart and she knows that they won't hurt her and Stefan suggests to bring someone who really will hurt her Damon asks who, Stefan suggests Katherine because she is the reason Jeremy is dead and she's the only who can provoke an emotion into Elena and Damon says that Katherine won't help them Stefan says the she was just abandoned by Elijah and that she has nothing and has no one and that she won't refuse their offer to torture Elena, later Damon and Katherine are discussing what will happen if Elena goes back to her old self when Stefan says the Elena is not in the cell and its revealed that Katherine lost interest in Elena's recovery and didn't lock her in Stefan with Damon and Matt search for her, later Stefan stops Elena for feeding on Matt and Damon has had enough and he's done playing nice and tells her to turn her humanity switch or he'll kill Matt, Elena calls his bluff and he breaks Matt's neck and Elena is crying and she's sad about what happened to Matt and later is revealed to be wearing the Gilbert ring and will come back to life and Elena gets her humanity back, Damon says that she's going to be okay and she remembers what she has done and Stefan stops her and says the he knows the stage the emotions are over-whelming her and that she has to focus on one thing Elena says she can't and tells to find the thing that makes her strong and to latch on to it and channel everything she's feeling into one emotion and to let it in, Elena does what she's told and he tells her to breathe it in and blow everything else out and she's screaming in pain and Damon asks her if she's okay, she says "no" but she'll get better. Later, Stefan arrives with Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion and incapacitates Chris with a stake. Stefan and Damon's past is revealed in a flashback to 1864, where they both fell in love with a woman named Katherine Pierce who looked exactly like Elena. Before Nadia has a chance to read it, Stefan discovers the note. She confesses she killed his boss, Dean, after she woke up when he was burying her in the woods. She then storms out of the house. After Elena filled him in on the no humanity switch, Damon tries and fails to syringe Stefan. Humanity - Chapter 13 - FandomizedArtist - The Vampire Diaries (TV They banter about breaking and entering and keeping hostages before Klaus admits that Connor hasn't been forthcoming with information. Stefan finds Caroline debating which flowers to pick for her mum's memorial service. The reason the article has been tagged as such is that it is lacking information about recent episodes and/or correct information. Stefan responds by saying he's being himself, but she doesn't know what he looks like when he's not in love with her. He then chants a spell making himself disappear. Stefan looks horrified as the vampire is revealed to be Charlotte, having counted every single brick in New Orleans, waiting for Damon. She says that it's probably a good idea to go to her mom, because she'll know what to do. Caroline later freaks out about which book to pick for her mom's last literary experience, but Stefan reminds her that it's all of the days that lead up to your last one that matter more. Stefan told him what he believed to be the truth: that he had never seen those people before in his life. Damon is surprised and says that this is the reason why his little brother is the better boyfriend. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house. Afterwards, Rebekah calls Stefan and reveals that she wants to kill Elena while Stefan tries to stop her. He played her and said that he doesn't need her help and it was time for him to pay her for six months of her. Later on Stefan is at the house sitting and looking upset. In The Departed, Stefan and Damon decide that one of them needs to go back to Mystic Falls to keep on eye on Elena. Stefan says he wants to have dinner with Caroline that night. Stefan leaves Damon behind and returns to the wedding preparations. They go to look for her in the forest but can't seem to find her. Elena stands by the plan, insisting that she has to learn to feed without killing, especially since she almost lost control feeding on Matt. Terrified, she sobs that Stefan has compelled her and she can't move. She didn't think she was ready to go on her own, but her mom knew she was. For parties, there's a lot of talk about life. Although he appears to care for her, he still cannot forget her past deeds. Stefan possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. she/they Kill A Salvatore Lying on the ground, Damon asks what that was for, but Stefan merely responds, "You know what," referring to Damon letting Elena feed on him, and he leaves. The Salvatore brothers have arrived at Willoughby and try to find where the girls could be. While they continue to search for Julian's coffin, Stefan tells Valerie that Nora siphoned her spell from Caroline. Following this, Stefan moved away from Mystic Falls and had tried to start over and move on from the loss, pain and tragedy. Valerie clears up that notion quickly. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. Being a doppelgnger, Stefan's blood is used for a spell by the Travelers in order to resurrect their leader, Markos. Bonnie is talking with Enzo about their last hope lost, Bonnie looks behind Enzo and sees Stefan standing there, Enzo also turns around, but sees nothing, she says his name and Enzo is surprised by that, Bonnie can't believe what is happening and she approaches to Stefan's ghost, Stefan begs her to tell him that she has figured out a way to bring them all back but Bonnie tells him that she lost it, Stefan is sad for this and then he touches her shoulders and passes through her to the other side. But how do I stop the monster without becoming one myself?" - Stefan Salvatore "I want to kill you. She is very sad about the death of Bonnie, someone that he can't remember. Later that night, Tyler and Brady wanted to retrieve the Petrova Doppelgnger, Elena. He says to her, "After I bit you I never wanted to feel anything again." In Kill or Be Killed, Stefan tried to make peace with Mason who told his secret to Elizabeth Forbes, the sheriff, who went about trying to destroy the brothers. Beau casts a spell and high frequency noise causes Stefan to fall to his knees. Desperate to save Elena, Stefan quietly plots with Rebekah. Stefan was forced to marry Bridget because of Damon as he wanted to mess with his little brother. She says to them that Liv is trying to kill them. The gang then go on a compelling spree, compelling all the residents that their town isn't safe anymore and that they should pack up their stuff and leave immediately. The car lunges backward a few feet, but Luke stands behind the car, with his hand outstretched as well. Ironically, Stefan's initial naivety and desire to feed paralleled his behavior after being turned into a vampire in 1864. A little after that Caroline comes to the Salvatore boarding house and starts talking to Stefan. It's all part of humanity-filled Stefan's plan to help return Caroline's humanity. Throughout the series, outside forces threaten those he loved and what he most desired: a normal, human life. He has a great relationship with his older brother, Damon Salvatore, and gets along with their father, Giuseppe Salvatore. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear. The Vampire Diaries Quiz: Who Killed Who? - Then he shows up on Caroline's dorm doorstep with Ivy in a trunk. Caroline flips the tables and stabs his instead. He then sets out to redeem himself for his past actions and succeeds by killing Cade. Given the degree to which he's tortured him, he thinks Enzo is telling the truth that Mystic Falls doesn't have much of a vampire problem, and that it's moved down to Savannah. In I'd Leave My Happy Home For You, Stefan and Damon bring Alaric to his bachelor party at a bar. Back in their seats, Elena is barely holding it together, and Stefan and Damon argue under their breath about what to do. He was often very tender, loving and gentle towards Elena but he was also extremely passionate about her. Turned Later, Caroline is watching the shed burn and Stefan joins her. Tyler tells Stefan that the hunter who shot him was clearly looking for vampires, and that his gloves were soaked in vervain. Stefan finally confesses that he's been working with Klaus because Connor's tattoo is the key to finding a cure for vampirism. She doesn't want her humanity back if it means Jeremy loses his, but Stefan says it's the only way to 'fix all of this'. "I had to do that, for Enzo. Stefan wants him to compel Ivy to pull it together and go live a normal life somewhere without him. Stefan and Elena are sitting in front of fireplace, they talk about their visions, but Stefan makes it clear that what they had in the past was real in, it was not only for the prophecy of the doppelgngers. She does not give an answer, and Stefan finds a spelled coffin. He overheard his father and Johnathan Gilbert discussing the vampires being captured and destroyed, and that his father wanted to keep secret that his sons were vampire sympathizers, preferring they be known for dying nobly and bravely in the fight against the vampires. ", In Before Sunset, Stefan appears the most upbeat he has been all season. Afterwards, Stefan convinces Bonnie to create a lapis ring for Caroline and begins to teach her how to live on the animal diet. Stefan then attacked Amber, a girl in the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Valerie reveals that Lily was the one that gave Kai the idea to put Elena under the sleeping spell. Later, Sarah is about to meet Stefan and just then Enzo walks in to ruin things. As they find out that Elena doesn't answer Damon's calls, them they realize that Elena doesn't appear. Later, He stands alone in the crypt when Caroline arrives. In The Birthday, Stefan and Klaus are in Tennessee. Stefan and Monique are discussing Sarah's life. Matt approaches them about leaving but Sarah covers and the two take off. He touches his abdomen and his hands become covered in his own blood. He was in the car with his sister Elena. Stefan says that he's been alive for almost two centuries now and that with the amount of people he has seen die it must have been easier for him to accept death and to hurt less, but it doesn't.