we fell in love with each other right away, but there was some karma , a huge drama to overcome, and we dont see each other anymore. <3. (I have NN in Gemini in the 7th and SN in Sadge in the 1st). Together, they stand for the Nodal Axis. I have Lilith quite prominent and I do quite identify with her so I was more obsessed but it switched back and forth. I much prefer Mars conjunct SN. Hehe, But I can also tell he hates me like im some sort of invisable person to him because I rejected him even though I never did!------------------Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising. And north node conjunct north node? Arent trines easy flowing, good aspects. Many people would, but not everyone, I dont think. It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. You can put up your chart and join a very nice, safe and loving community! Moon-South Node: this is an aspect which can guarantee a very deep emotional relationship. It`s obviously also closer to the Sun. This person was very sadistic to me. Sun conjunct Pluto exact in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, mars in Taurus, Moon in Libra. xx. Please somebody steer me right if so. I dont know with Neptune. Neptune conj the NNthis may bring great sorrow as you may have had ideals that were not met leading to great sorrow. Do you think other aspects could help the square? A little Saturn is wonderful and a glue. I have Nessus in Taurus forming a grand trine with my moon and sun. Just adore him and he devastated me. My cousin Sun is on my SN, her Moon is square Node. It s true. I can feel too parental. I think you can go to both extremes, like focusing way too much on your SN or NN. What does this mean for us? ------------------Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising, Yeah I can see where your going with this especially since you've had mutable aspect in synastry. Some call you when they need something of you and you wont hear them again. Its more like a healing power. The NN person has a purpose to have a relationship with the DSC person. With the point which describes the repressed/irrepressible on a partner's North Node we can well expect a potent connection. Maybe, you should have a professional reading with someone so they can look at the entire chart. . Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I was the Moon with a female. I was told this to be true by a master Astrologer, so passed it on but do not know more than that, Friend. This is a great article. In synastry, Lilith is definitely like pluto, i noticed, lots of obsession, control, jealousy,revenge but on a POSITIVE note Lilith can bring an amazing profound connection that is unexplainable between two people, like a sort of fascination. She said that I have no common sense and attacks me lots of times. I feel like it goes one of two ways - either I am very close to them and like them a lot - or - I feel disappointed because they are not living up to my expectations. quote: Originally posted by yungang_grotto: Also I think maybe Lilith's attraction to the North Node person when they're expressing their NN in a healthy way would be extremely powerful, but there would also be an element of repulsion, perhaps equally powerful. Im seeing someone whose Vertex, Juno, and Saturn conjunct my N Node in 1st at my ascendant in Scorpio. You have to be honest or life is not worthwhile. Our northnodes are both squaring too. They would fight the repulsive part but it would persist. Thanks! The action feels subtle but profound to me. The music Bolero by Ravel would be the feeling of your relationship, Apollo conj the NNThe NN person would adore the Apollo person. I have had 2 important people come into my life whose Mars have fallen on my SN. we CHOSE how we want to act. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. But yes, it is quite obsessive, immediate past life scenario - he was my husband and loved me very much, but i didn't. If you can take this, so be it, but be aware that the relationship WILL bring the flavor of Saturn to it. NN opposing the MC would be his goals being at cross purposes with your career. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. just met that guy and I already had that kind of weird feeling about him.. he is very Plutonic. YOU are the most important person to me. I think that would be a soul mate sign. I have a double whammy north node situation with my man -- my north node is conjunct his Chiron and Ascendant (in my 4th house -- this is not comfortable) and his north node is conjunct my IC. I know when planets or asteroids touches someones node, feelings will be mutual. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. NN opposite Ascendant. I just found that I have Sado conjunct my Sun (exact) .. all this in Taurus 3H opposite Pluto but trine Neptune/Uranus, Moon and AC. That is Psyche. North Node conjunction Lilith If you are interested, please contact me by e mail morelove@mychristianpsychic.com. I do not see a relationship going the distance with this aspect. And he would call me mama and we would talk baby talk, or he would talk baby talk and I would be mama. There may be issues of illness, poverty etc. Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Not sure about this. His dionysis and prey conjuncted her N Node and his loving conjuncted her S Node. Will this happen to you? Ive certainly been with men MUCH more critical/abusive than that. I would not call her a friend,but I did try to be nice to her at first. Please come and join the Forum. Proserpina conj the NNThe Proserpina Person would bring some kind of rite of passage from innocence into some form of corruption to the NN person. I can't think of others right now Not sure if there's a pattern. (024 orb). I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the nice information you might have Now i don't want to be like her for sure (not that she is a bad person. relationship, I would run as far as I could. not the NN person. Sedna does seem to play out. I feel my own Lilith this way too- identifying, magnifying, naming, I feel my own Lilith this way too- identifying, magnifying, naming[/B][/QUOTE]. If the Sedna were conjunct the NN, then the Sedna person would bring betrayal to the NN person in some way. However, if it is, it will show up. any thoughts most welcome! Required fields are marked *. Too much emphasis on the South Node can result in stagnation. What about his northnode square my northnode? Hellocould you tell me about NN opposing ascendant at 0 degree, NN opposing Mid Heaven at 1 degree? I cannot say this enough. and my moon is conjunct (exact) his ascendant. youre way too black and white. YES Saturn in good aspect is a kind of strength brought to the other person like the strength of a big, strong oak tree! But anyway if in a chart (not synastry) Lilith is conjunct Moon, it means the Moon is at its apogee and farthest away from earth, it looks much smaller than usually. Maniac is more crazy and mood disorder than obsessed. However, the chart will play out, as indicated. I kind of like the idea that we both make each other uncomfortable in a this-is-my-future sort of way, but I'd like more information/personal stories if anyone has them. I also read that the North node opposing ascendant would also mean south node conjunct the ascendant which is supposed to be our comfort zone. i dont listen to my feelings but to their energy. I appreciate you getting back to me. I am the Venus , he is Nessus . Idk what to do about the situation. Lol I feel very comfortable around them - like they get me on an emotional level. I have a question for you if you will ever come back and oblige to answer. To be very honest, I would not want a synastry with that much Saturn. I think the issues were something else, likely, such as a strong Nessus from him to you or a weak Dejanira from you to him. The North Node () is a mathematical concept, and it represents one point of the Moon. Other times she can be a pain. This feels so icky that I dont think a relationship would progress very far. Like I said I ended cutting those people off. I dont think anything much can combat Moon sq Moon in something like a marriage. What if someone Saturn trined the other persons sun, ascendant and Saturn? Buuut what is definitely true is that Node connections happen at key moments in our lives and they have a purpose.. It's a complex connection and I don't have a firm grasp on how to interpret it. Number 157 I think, Its in my 6H (10 deg Cancer) square my mothers Lilith, inconjunct my own Lilith and sextile my Venus. .also my NN is in Cancer..yeah you can imagine!! The nessus vesta conjuct is also oppsite this persons Amor (in his SN).. Psyche is soul. The MC conjunct the NNthe MC person will work in a career or have a social position that will help the NN person find his dreams. The problem with Lilith you never know which one each person is talking about.. BML black moon Lilith.Fishy BML is conjunct my sun, moon, mercury.It's exact on my moon/mercury.I wish I has an answer, idk how exactly it has taken into effect.but for sure, I've been obsessed. If not, they have a very similar life purpose, Oops! My grandsons Neptune and Saturn conjunct my NN within two degrees. Medusa conj the SN would have been abuse at the hands of a woman in his life such that he was comfortable with that pattern. I might be coming back to your weblog for more soon. Bringing Lilith is a wonderful oppurtunity to a mans world especially if the man this guy has slept with lots of girls can get any girl he is super attractive he's a musician. Hi Michelle This is kind of a brain teaser. Lilith in synastry generally speaking produces a very powerful seductive lure between the two but there can also an erratic or rebellious quality to it. How would you interpret this honey? "-HST, [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/lcarpen/caaf2b42-90c5-4a42-8a8e-8bb73964 5ab2.jpg[/IMG], ------------------~Ltownboogie~Sun: PiscesAsc: LeoMoon: TaurusVenus: AquariusMars: Taurus, Posts: 2From: toronto, ON, Canada.Registered: Aug 2013, Lilith conj SunLilith conj ChironLilith conj South Node (less than one degree)Venus sextile lilithChiron trine lilith, Copyright 2000-2015 The Nessus person will be the abuser, so it would be her lol Oh so what your saying is that the NN finds Lilith beautiful but repulsive at the same time? North Node trine Moon ( 4.48) When your Lilith aspects your someone's planet (especially the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or the Ascendant), you are magnetically attracted to this person, and can't get them out of your mind. We are a typical married couple with occasional issues, but we are really quite happy together. Could you ask a simpler question, my Friend? Do you want that? I have heard this could lead to bad abuse or worse. According to Placidus my NN is on 8th house ), You have a deep understanding of each other, what about the vertex nn trine conjuction mean in synastry? Im aware of nessus. But I wonder how it plays out. How would his vertex influence NNode? Nessus I feel was the abuse of my mother and my father was my rock. My Jupiter conj his NN - cut him out of my life completely. My Dejanira is almost exactly conjunct to the NN of a guy Im really crushing on..theres nothing between us, or anything, but I was kind of hoping..now youve totally bummed me out with this post. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Family relations changes due to internet. The North Node tells us about themes in the relationship. If so, it may just be that. With North Node, me being the planet person, it usually goes well but again, if it feels like they're too far away from their NN, I don't like being around them for long, cause it's like my energy is being drained. I wonder if it could be a manifestation of the betrayal he experienced in his previous relationships. That means a great deal to me! negative: yikes.with this, there is likely to be a huge conflict in what the moon person needs to feel comfort and what the lilith person is willing to give. How would you interpret this Ami? I dont think Ive ever seen a lot of people with that kind I conjunction before.. Is it rare? 3 degree orb in Leo, I have my Gemini moon conjunct Gemini mars with a man and it wasnt all that bad but definitely got to be oppressive with his constant texting and telling me what I need to do with my life. :/, I would not be too worried about this. this is so much brain work. Saturn can be the stern father who tells you to eat your veggies before you eat your dessert. NN can be elusive. You mentioned a friend was researching, any outcome yet? Will this affect the relationship??? I am always the mercury, what does this mean? So Sun will offer benefits related to puratatva (below ground matters) when placed in the eighth house Ruling Zodiac Sign: Scorpio The Sun in the . Medusa conj the NN- the person will have been betrayed by woman but hate men. Mars Conjunct North Node Synastry (Opposition South Node) If you have the Mars conjunct North North synastry aspect, you also have the Mars opposition South Node aspect. This is my observation. Love, Rather than submitting to him, she left the Garden and lived in exile. Together, they stand for the Nodal Axis. Maybe its so close to my sun that i didnt even notice ? That which conjuncts the Moon affects the heart. What is it about Asteroid Valentine? his jupiter conjunct my chiron, and his jupiter making very tight trine to my sun This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . Someone s NN and Jupiter conjucts with my Mc and her SN conjucts with my IC. Example: If someone's North Node is conjunct another person's Vertex in the 9th house, their relationship will be expansive and broaden the knowledge, reality, and beliefs of the people involved. But most of my generation have nessus in cancer and pluto in libra. Sun conjunct Mars synastry.Mars Conjunct the Moon.Stellia Knowflake. My ex gets out of prison any day now.. 9 years early. This short relationship had a very profound effect on me and was wondering if this had any significance? If you dont do the chart, trust yourself. My Saturn square his Nodes, is that very bad? Im wondering if you look at charts when you do email consultations for $25? my NN-I admire their emotional depth but I have always felt that I can completely see through them. Jupiter is pretty important in my chart. Thanks, yes your correct, unhealthy, yet I,possible to let go, from both of us..Yes we have started to have ego issues. If I dont come, please dont take it personally. Leave your question, if you have one! Not alone, S. You would have to have some really bad things in synastry for that conclusion to be made like Atropos, Aphophis, Sado, Nessus etc. Idk what to do. About Neptune conjunct NN : I confirm it can bring great sorrow I met a men 4 years ago, and his Neptune conjunct my NN he asked for a child during 2 years then he abandoned me when I was pregnant he said that he changed his mind (he didnt recongnize our child). Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Required fields are marked *. You may bring them good fortune and help them to understand the deeper parts of life Stella. I am married and so is he . She was Adam's first wife. "I want to welcome you to my website. Like his nessus is conjunct my chiron so idk. They truly point to our soul's evolution. You are spot on with your neptune conjunct Nn synastry. I tried looking all over the Internet for answers based on this question but I could never find an answer. I really am fascinated with it, too . Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 What do you think of vertex conj sado? However Yes it's been hard for me to let go o f the people who I aspected their north node. North Node conjunction Sun ( both our northnode conjuncts each others sun) To me, if I see a strong Nessus synastry, I would runperiod end. Your email address will not be published. These asteroids are rather small so one cant make a case for them in terms of a whole marriage. Going by both Vedic and Tibetan astrology, Ketu is the point of detachment, known for "draining" energy and transcending matter, leading to . Ive experienced exploitation of family members. Posts: 1421From: los angeles, ca, USARegistered: Oct 2014, Or feels that im cold and detached towards him when it comes to my emotional and romantic feelings towards him ?------------------Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising, Posts: 225From: NY USARegistered: Jan 2013. This placement stirs up a lot of feelings for both people. North Node trine Jupiter North Node conjunction Eros his NN and venus opposite my moon, I don't actually like him and I'm mostly avoiding him. Your relationship will be very very passionate. Nessus is not an asteroid I have paid any attention to, but because of your post I decided to investigate. She thinks that she is on the same leaugue as Beyonce even though she uses everyones credit and gets government assistance despite making the national average salary. This post has been getting so much traction. I had to learn to step away, but it never healed. But no matter what, even if you are the Sun or the Node ,both people will find it extemely hard to let go of the other person,and they will keep coming back or always feel that they should have tried harder. Thank you so much for your reply. Most commonly seen when the two are not evolved in their Lilith, they experience a battle of wills or power struggles. It also turns out my spouses Venus is at Leo 1144. I've had people aspect my north node. The SN is where you feel most comfortable. It's just because i want something else from life). Im Neptun he is my sorrow NN. You would need to see more than this. I am Pluto . North Node (NN) and South Node (SN) represent two points where the orbit of the Moon intersects with the earth's path around the Sun. In synastry, contacts to the natal South Node indicate each person's involvement in the other's past. Some astrologers say everything can be overcome. Posts: 610From: PolandRegistered: Jan 2013, I don't know about North Node but South Node are like that. Which is also trine his NN. i watched a video about it that moon/venus conjunct rahu usually the moon/venus person that would be so obsessed. we also have a double chiron moon conjunction. She thinks that Im a stinking primitive who needs to use mens deodorant. That is my advice. I didnt intend to hurt him l. I just wantes to protect myself from some potential karmic situation i was warned about. Both their natal Sado and Sun/Nessus exact conjunction, oppose my natal moon, in a sandwiching effect. It may not show up if it is not a committed long term relationship. Posts: 53083From: Saturn next to CharmaineRegistered: Apr 2009, Im guessing you both have a strong hold on each other, most likely unconsciously at times. I have a irksome question regarding a composite north node conjunct someones natal Venus retrograde at an exact degree. . he was the one who was obsessed with me. Most astrologers will issue serious cautions against pursuing a relationship with a Mars conjunct NN synastry. If a person has a planet or asteroid on your NN, they will bring the flavor of that planet or asteroid TO the relationship. I have been addicted to this for years now.. I would feel very oppressed and as if I was in prison. He is kind of fixated on me even though he is polite i hate it. Have no experience with square moon. I would really love if you were able to give me astrology related advice.. such as things you may notice that make an outcome likely or not. Lilith conj the NNthe person will bring his raw sexuality to the relationship. I liked them but it was very limited. The SN and the NN are tied together, remember, so anything that touches your SN also touches your NN. Since it was a relative, I had little choice in the matter However, if this were a current YOU are the most important person to me. chart overlay showing NN in 5th house double whammy Yes, Friend. Eris conj Eris could be due to people being born close in time. I did not enjoy it much. LOL. I could see Pluto being strongeryes! I am putting that out there and you can see if I am right. In the case of Nessus and Sado, I do not care how nice the person appears. The most recent one that I have met I have actually felt is PUSHING ME TOWARD my NN from his Mars conjuncting my SN. Might have something to do with it. Love, Ami. Person A, has their natal Sado (At 27 degrees) conj their Uranus at 27 degrees Leo, and their natal Nessus squaring at 27 degrees Taurus. The other point is the South Node (). The Eris person could harass the NN person when the NN person tries to find his life purpose. Your email address will not be published. With Bacchus conjunct North Node in synastry, would the Bacchus owner bring excess and overindulgence to the NN persons life. I much prefer my moon square mars since every man I have been attracted to has mars in Virgo and seems to be able to give me more space. A variation of planets/L. Thank you very much. Sado brings sadism and Neptune seems to bring sorrow.