Algeria is also the base camp of the Polisario Front, a criminal and extremist group that many believe is a terrorist organization. Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 June 1992. UAE Chooses Solidarity With Russia Over Military Allies Donate United Arab Emirates Chooses Solidarity Between Oil Producers Over Military Allies "The Gulfies play the blob like a fiddle," a. Now, more than 14 years later, the same Putin has now invited Bouteflikas successor to visit him in Moscow. A group of Kosovar human rights activists protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine near the . History of foreign relations since independence, During Ben Bellas presidency (1962 1965), Algeria at the center of the competition between the Western and Eastern superpowers, During Boumedienes presidency (1965 1978), A careful equilibrium between Cold War powers, Since Maldives High Commissioner/Ambassador to U.K. also serves as non-resident ambassador to France, therefore there's probability that Maldives High Commissioner/Ambassador to U.K also serves as Maldives non-resident ambassador to Algeria. The USSR, on the contrary, was able to deliver military equipment, industrial expertise, and trade outputs: the Soviets replaced France as the first destination for Algerian wine, and provided 200,000 tons of wheat when a drought hit the country in 1966. Help and support from the communist bloc therefore increased after independence: The Sino-Soviet split strengthened the two communist countries competition for Algeria. It's important to stand with the victim and to stand with the principles that have also been violated.". Speaking . But it's a country to which we need to pay much closer attention. In December, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was expected to sign an arms deal worth over $12 billion during a visit to Moscow. Support for the arabization of Algerian societyincluding the elimination of French as the second national language and emphasis on an arabized education curriculumand the recent success of the FIS indicate a growing fervor in Algeria for asserting an independent national identity. [1] Libyan support for the Polisario in the Western Sahara facilitated early post independence Algerian relations with Libya. "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"); This agreement violated a United Nations (UN) resolution that declared all historical claims on the part of Mauritania or Morocco to be insufficient to justify territorial absorption and drew heavy Algerian criticism.[1]. Under Ben Bella, diplomatic relations with France were normalized, the negotiations concerning oil and gas leading to an agreement in 1964. Who are the allies and enemies of Algeria? - Quora [1] The establishment of the UMA in February 1989 marked the first formal political or economic collaboration between the two neighbours. However, support from the Communist bloc did not halt. Moreover, they more pragmatically believed that to defend themselves from American hostility, they ought to encourage revolutions elsewhere in Latin America and in Africa as to distract the United States and create new allies. After Nassers death in 1970, Boumediene increasingly represented the political project of Pan-Arabism; and in 1973, Algeria played a major role in the organization of the war against Israel, as well as calling for oil to be used as a weapon in the OPEC. This could be expressed by their support of the non-aligned movement, which began with the FLN's involvement in the 1960s. Russia's tougher posture on Western Sahara is a direct response to tensions with the United States and France in Syria, and despite recent reenergized diplomacy between Rabat and Moscow, Russia still favors Algeria which received 78 percent of Russia's arms transfers to Africa from 2013-2017. Algeria Building Closer Alliances With Russia, Iran, Terrorist Groups Algeria, although not asserting any territorial ambitions of its own, was averse to the absorption of the territory by any of its neighbors and called for self-determination for the Saharawi people. A new law meant to punish Russia for election interference could force the Trump administration to sanction some of its closest allies -- including Saudi Arabia and India -- a possibility that has . Algeria-Russia: talks to boost military cooperation Between 2014 and 2018, Russia supplied the Algerian military with 66 percent of its weapons, and Algeria was Moscow's largest African client. United Kingdom has an embassy in Algiers. Georgia is accredited to Algeria from its embassy in Madrid, Spain. Algeria and France share a cultural background that transcends diplomatic maneuvers and has persisted throughout periods of "disenchantment" and strained relations. G20: East-West showdown over Russia's war in Ukraine looms at India Algeria enjoys friendly relations with Pakistan, which offered support during Algeria's struggle for independence. December 1418, 2010 in Moscow, the Week of Algerian cinema. This dependence dates back to the Soviet Era and also to the early years of President Bouteflika. Algeria plays balancing act as Europe tries cut Russian gas Algeria could help some nations switch off from Russian gas but the geopolitical backdrop is complex, say analysts. South Africa chose to remain silent against Russia despite its opposition to NATO's intervention in Libya and Israel's occupation of Palestine. Algeria is one of Spain's main suppliers of gas and Spain has said it will firmly defend its national interests and those of its citizens and companies. Japan established official diplomatic relations with Algeria upon Algerian independence in 1962. Being a newly independent country from colonial rule of a Western power France and having waged a liberation war with a socialist orientation, Algeria was naturally inclined to turn towards the Soviet Union and its allies. April 27 - May 3, 2010 in Moscow and St. Petersburg were organized Days of Algerian culture in Russia, which was attended by Minister of Culture PDRA H.Tumi. For historical reasons, Boumdine eliminated France, then rejected the United States, fearing that his illness would be revealed by the American media. In fact, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ramtane Lamamra, undertook his first diplomatic internship in Moscow during the Cold War era. [3], Cuba and Algeria formed strong diplomatic links due to their historical and ideological proximity. This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 04:57. Other countries. Sjavas voice is unmistakable. Although Egypt imported only 14 percent of its weapons from the US between 2015-2020 and 31 percent from Russia between 2009-2018, the $1.3bn of US assistance accounts for 34 percent of Egypt's . "Algeria, a global energy exporter with Africa's largest defense budget, is one of Russia's top arms export clients, behind only India and China," according to a report by the U.S. Congressional Research Service. Agreement on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation (1982). This military transfer has made Algeria the third largest recipient of Russian arms in the world. Reports show that the national rate of poverty in Algeria is as high as 23 percent. The governments of Algeria, Egypt and Indonesia have rejected the acquisition of Russian Su-35 fighters amid economic sanctions against Russia, as first reported by Defence Blog. Indeed, despite their geographical distance, the two countries saw themselves as the models of a successful socialist revolution against imperialist forces. Please enable Javascript in order to access to this story. However, this greater focus on the countrys economic needs and traditional Islamic culture did not end the period of international ambitions. Pan-Africanism and Pan-Arabism were strengthened during the Boumediene era. Is Algiers a Moscow ally in the Ukrainian offensive? By clicking submit, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy. Algeria needed assistance in creating a national industrial base and the development of industries such as energy, mining and metallurgy, engineering, water management, etc. Countering US dominance: Russia and Algeria share a common interest in countering US dominance, which makes them natural allies. The Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Nikolai Podgorny paid an official visit to Algeria in late March - early April 1969. The Institute of Applied Geopolitical Studies in France described the relations between Algeria and Russia as "long, historical and strategic between two powers, each keen on its way and methods to reform". However, these global Third World solidarity links went further than Africa: for example, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam opened a permanent office in Algiers (one of only two that were located in non-communist countries). The Confucius Institute is a major educational initiative, and just one well-known example of how China has been making a "Big Bet on Soft Power" according to the Center on Foreign Relations.China enjoys favorable public opinion in many countries. The strategic rapprochement between Russia and Algeria has risen during Vladimir Putins tenure, in particular after Abdelmadjid Tebboune came to power in Algeria. Diplomatic relations between Algeria and Mexico were established on 21 October 1964. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic has an embassy in Algiers. A different atmosphere was on the rise in the 1990s as Algeria stopped making the loan repayments to Russia, and after Putin's rise, Algeria joined NATO'S "Mediterranean Dialogue" with other Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt. In 1973, Houari Boumedine hosted the Non-Aligned Movement in Algiers. [1] In the 1970s, Tunisia reversed its position on the Western Sahara so as not to antagonize Algerian authorities. Kiribati and Algeria established diplomatic relations on 29 October 2021 signed Joint Communique in New York.[45]. [1] Throughout Algeria's independent history, it has joined in a number of economic ventures with Tunisia, including the transnational pipeline running from Algeria through Tunisia to Italy. Posted on Friday, 23 December 2022 19:03. Before the Spanish evacuation, Spain, Morocco, and Mauritania agreed to divide the territory and transfer the major part to Morocco and the remaining southern portion to Mauritania. [12], Algeria and Serbia (formerly Yugoslavia) formed a strong diplomatic relation shortly after the Algerian independence, marked by economic, military but also ideological cooperation. As to the United States, they wanted to prevent Algeria from becoming yet another socialist country joining the ranks of the Soviet block. Greece was among the early countries to establish diplomatic relations with Algeria after its independence in 1962, by upgrading the then Greek Consulate General in Algiers to an embassy in 1963. The war in Ukraine threatens to inflame tensions between pro-Russian and pro-Western Balkan nations. [1] Finally, in 1988 Libya was invited to participate in the Inter-Maghrib commission that was responsible for developing the North African Union. In Russia and Nigeria public approval of China is over 70% as of 2019, and these are two major examples of China's allies. If you are reading this message your browser has Javascript disabled. Entelis, John P. with Lisa Arone. This visit, followed by a second meeting in November 2001, a meeting in New York in September 2003, and President Bouteflika's participation at the June 2004 G8 Sea Island Summit, is indicative of the growing relationship between the United States and Algeria. Throughout the Algerian War of Independence, the Soviet Union had been providing military, technical and material assistance to Algeria. | Privacy policy. In the midst of a changing global power structure with diplomatic relations hanging on by a thread elsewhere, Algeria and Russia have maintained strong ties. 2022/11/13. Return visit of Foreign Minister of Algeria in Moscow on 1214 April 2007 2122 March 2011 Sergey Lavrov paid a working visit to Andre (during his visit to Egypt and Algeria). An Overview of Russia-Algeria Military Cooperation Algeria Is Becoming China's Weapon | Opinion - Newsweek Perhaps the Russians can't afford to send weapons to its allies when it needs them on the battlefield in Ukraine, where its army is being humiliated. [35] The exports of Algerian products to Greece amounted to $89 million in 2001, including mainly oil and oil derivatives, natural gas, inorganic chemicals, iron and steel. "From 2016 to 2020, Algeria accounted for 15% of Russian arms exports," the report added. Such hesitation is improbable. var minutes = d.getMinutes(); Western allies warn of 'severe costs' for countries helping Russia The rift between the US and its allies on one side, and Russia and China on the other, appears likely to widen further as top diplomats from the world's largest industrialised and developing . For Moscows adversaries, Algiers role as a hydrocarbon supplier is reaffirmed. Firstly, the Non-Aligned Movement, which was founded in Belgrade in 1961, and which Algeria joined shortly after its independence, defined the concept of non-alignment in the Cold War as a way for poor countries to exploit the conflicts and tensions and hence to promote their own interests. var m_names = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", Contacts | Disclaimer | Privacy | Change cookie consent | Copyright, vai alla navigazione tra le aree tematiche, Algeria-Russia: talks to boost military cooperation. Algeria had joined the Arab League in 1962, and hosted its 1973 summit in Algiers. Palestine, Israel, United States. Indeed, from 1962 to 1989, Algeria spent approximately 11 billion dollars for Soviet weapons: planes (MiG-21, MiG-23 et Su-24), tanks (T-55 et T-72), armored vehicles, several ships (including . Byrne, J. J. 2930 June 2010 in Algiers, the fourth meeting of the Joint Russian-Algerian intergovernmental commission on trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation. It's time for the U.S., Europe and Israel along with our real Arab allies in North Africa and the Middle East to recognize what Algeria stands for, take necessary countermeasures, and levy sanctions as should already be done under U.S. law. A Role for Russia in the Western Sahara? Russia's Cautious Calculus in Algeria - Carnegie Endowment for Italy and Algeria's relations is viewed as important for stability in the region. "The Maghrib". With the war in Ukraine, NATO and other European allies are, for the moment, in agreement in reversing Russian aggression. The Allies advanced on Axis troops in Libya from both east and west, trapping them in the middle. UN involvement in the Western Sahara includes MINURSO, a peacekeeping force, and UNHCR, for refugee assistance and resettlement. Unfortunately, the Biden administration's attempts to persuade Algeria to distance itself from Russia and build closer diplomatic, security and economic ties with the U.S. and the West appear to be falling on deaf ears. In June 1993, an agreement on the establishment of the Joint m ezhpravitelstvennoy Russian-Algerian commission on trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation . In December 1963, the Soviet Union and Algeria signed an agreement on economic and technical cooperation. Algeria is a rich nation and the third most important economy in the Middle East and North Africa, but its people are poor. Algeria is (along with Morocco and Egypt), the top three trade partners of Russia in Africa. First, it is Africa's biggest exporter of natural gas to Europe, which makes it an extremely important country in terms of energy security. Algeria has friendly relations with other countries in the Maghreb, Tunisia and Libya, and with Sub-Saharan countries Mali and Niger. Given my recent visit to Morocco, I wanted to look more closely at the double game that Algeria is playing, and the threat it could pose to American, European and Israeli interests. Following its independence in 1962, Algeria developed deep ties with many foreign countries with a heavy presence in the global scene. According to a report by Reuters, the United States is coordinating with its allies, particularly the G7 nations, to impose new economic sanctions on China in case it chooses to support Russia's . "I hope that Algeria will reconsider its position and the statements it has made," Calvino told reporters in Barcelona. For amanzi [water]? he asks, evidently indignant. Last October, Tehran agreed to send military drones to the Polisario Front. Indeed, once again, Algeria was a point of contact between African rebels and potential supporting countries such as Cuba. Russia's ally Belarus is also taking part in Vostok-2022 along with the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Tajkistan and other states including Syria,. Algeria clearly needs the revenues and pursuing them is unlikely to jeopardize its more enduring links to Russia (where it has made three-quarters of its military purchases for decades). Understanding Russia-Algerian Strategic Partnership Algeria also hopes to acquire new air defense systems, such as the S-400. "Algeria, a global energy exporter with Africa's largest defense budget, is one of Russia's top arms export clients, behind only India and China," according to a report by the U.S. Congressional Research Service. The Soviet Union helped establish the state of Israel, but later became disappointed with it and backed Israel's Arab foes and the Palestine Liberation Organization. The fifth meeting of CMEC held in Moscow in November 2011 In 2017-18, Russia had weapons deals with Angola, Nigeria, Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso and Equatorial Guinea. OAO "Gazprom" is working on exploration and development in Algeria's hydrocarbon reserves in the license area El Assel (three blocks with total area of 3083km2. In an interview with RT Arabic, Lavrov said Russia and Algeria . Signs of a power struggle at the top of Sudan's ruling echelon are growing as the country's supposed transition to a civilian rule remains uncertain. Algeria recognized Ukraine's independence in 1992. If Algiers is a Moscow ally, this is best-seen in the military field. document.write(' | ' + d.getHours() + ':' + minutes + ''); ALGIERS - Lieutenant general Said Chengriha, Algeria's army chief of staff, discussed military cooperation and ways to strengthen it with the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Patrushev, Algerian State television reports. July 1014, 2006 the President of the Council of Nation PDRA A.Bensalah visited Russia. However, the Algerian commitment to supporting anti-colonial movements in Africa went against American interests in the continent, which led to an indirect conflict with the United States and an increasingly hostile relationship between the two countries. [1], AlgeriaMorocco relations have been dominated by the issue of self-determination for the Western Sahara since their independence. In the meantime, Algiers can count on Moscows support in their quest to join BRICS, the organisation currently populated by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. According to Jeffrey J. Byrne, the Algerian conception of the Non-Aligned Movement was that of a political, goal-oriented and geographically unbounded anti-imperial solidarity. During an official visit to Russia, 2226 September 1999 Chairman of the National People's Assembly (lower house) of Algeria A.Bensalaha signed (September 23) Cooperation Agreement between the State Duma of Russia and NIS Algeria. Russian aid workers have a long history of work in Algeria, particularly in the health sector, while thousands of Algerian students, some of whom have been elevated to the post of minister, have attended former Soviet universities and institutes. The Days of Russian Culture in Algeria is scheduled for 1219 October 2011 October 2000, the first in the history of bilateral relations between the working visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia to Algeria. [16], The Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) opened a representative office in Tokyo in 1958. If all that wasn't bad enough, a recent article in the German publication, Die Welt, put a spotlight on Algeria's support for the Polisario Front which is not only trying to sow instability in Morocco but in Europe, as well. This article incorporates public domain material from U.S. According to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in 2010, bilateral trade amounted to 1337 million. REUTERS/Yves Herman/File PhotoReuters. Londons High Court is lacking central testimonies in the $11bn corruption case opposing the Federal Republic of Nigeria to an offshore company because many witnesses are either unable or unwilling to give evidence.